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© Copyright 2025 Ryan Wadleigh

Diary of Odin Wadleigh, May - June 1906

Tuesday, May 1, 1906

Class meeting tonight to consider abor day assessment. fixed at $1. dollar. Eva gave me a sweet little flower today. It was nice of her to do it. I don�t feel well today at all. Come home at noon and took my lesson. After supper I studied until I was tired + went to bed at 9:30. We started to clean house today.

Wednesday, May 2, 1906

The five highest honors of the class were announced today.
Gilbert Wallace
Grace Stoddard
Marion Fuller
Edna Carl
Anna Myer
There are 9 or so more over 90 and I am there some where. Rain tonight. Quartette practice. Studied after supper.

Thursday, May 3, 1906

My name was read today as one of the honors. Eva is on it too. There are 14 all told + only two boys. I intended to take Eva�s umbrella over today but got Gerald�s by mistake. Went down on the track this P.M. but my stomach bothered so I could do nothing. Orchestra practice. There is a speaking contest over at school tonight I don�t care anything about and I guess Eva don�t. Anyway I did not ask her. She wont care I know. Bed 10.

Friday, May 4, 1906

The juniors came one on us. They had a stone cutter came early this a.m. and carve their motto �Honore et labore� on the stone we had picked out + had smooth. We had another made before noon. They think it is a great joke but they will have to pay for both stones. We had our arbor day exercises after dinner. About 25 boys went over and got the box so that was safe. Then we all had our pictures taken. Harold Whitney gave an oration. Prof. Whitney spoke. Sid Clark spoke for the juniors. Then we planted our vine + box and went to the casino on a special car. There we had a fine time. Had a great supper at six and danced till 11:30. I was not feeling well so did not dance much. I thought it wise to ride down with Eva � see last Friday club picnic to casino � Eva was mad then � We walked talked etc. Went home with E of course. She is wearing an �05� pin of davy (small d) Wilbur�s. I don�t like it but don�t dare say anything. Bed at 1 a.m. very tired. It was a fine day. We all wore our arm bands.

Saturday, May 5, 1906

Up at 7. Went up town about 10 and fixed the handle bards of my wheel at the office. Talked German with Mr. Herman a while. Worked the rest the day on my wheel. scraping painting cleaning etc. Lucius Smith came over from Deposit today and he and another went to the Boston Festival concert tonight.

Sunday, May 6, 1906

Sunday School as usual. Went over to Eva�s after dinner. Had a good time stayed to lunch. The old topic came up. I begged Eva for just one kiss but she would not give it to me. She told me once that to get anything like that I must keep still but I just cant. I have been with her so long and she don�t give me the least bit of encouragement it seems to me. Sometimes I feel as if I would drop her entirely, she is so prim & good but I cannot. I think too much of her. Maybe she will change.

Monday, May 7, 1906

This P.M. Eva Edna Ben & I did not go to school this P.M. We skipped and went up on Mt. Prospect. Took a fine long walk. Home at 6, very tired & took my lesson. After supper, tried to study but did not do much.

Tuesday, May 8, 1906

Quite cold this a.m. Mother started in to clean house again. Nothing over to school. Helped Pa put down carpet after supper & studied.

Wednesday, May 9, 1906

Miss Webster was not at school today as Ola Corbin had charge of the class today in Trig. Operated the lamp this P.M. in the Lab. Quartette practice. We sang at the Cong. Prayer meeting burn. Studied till 10. Miss St. John wants me to buy a couple tickets to a show or something tomorrow night I don�t see how I can go as I have a lecture tomorrow night.

Thursday, May 10, 1906

Very well. I told Eva that I could not go tonight to a little show and suggested that she got with Ben & Edna but oh no she did not want to butt in and thereupon was mad & grouchy all day. I guess it is the weather. Got a ----- so am going to Hamilton with the fellows tomorrow. Ran the lamp at the YMCA tonight. Have a headache for the first time in over a week. Bed 11.

Friday, May 11, 1906

Went up to Clinton and then to Hamilton college at 8:10 got there at 1 p.m. There were fifteen of us including the track team. Had dinner and supper at the Commons. I am staying with the Alpha Delta Phi House. Roomed with a fellow named Holly.

Saturday, May 12, 1906

The games came off this p.m. There was a speaking contest this a.m. BCHS was not represented because having won 3 ---- in 5 years, was not invited. Binghamton lost the ---- by 1 point having 28 points against Batavia�s 29. Started home at 8. Went to Utica & took the train from there, home at 1:30.

Sunday, May 13, 1906

Up at 9. Went to Sunday School and had a fine talk with Eva. It rained & so I saw her on the car. Read & studied all the p.m.

Monday, May 14, 1906

Back to school again. Got my card for the last time. English 94 Trig 97 German 95 Chemistry 96 History 98 average 96 again 93 1/5 Went over to the Cong Church & fiddled after school. After supper went up to Adkins. Ford Kaley Adkins & I had a good time. Home at 11. Eva & I did Dutch this noon.

Tuesday, May 15, 1906

Quartette practice after school. Had to rehearse my spiel to Mintz at 7:30. Then went over to the Cong church to a social. The quartette sang. Went home with a girl don�t remember her name. I did not care much for her to simple. Nothing like Eva. Home at 11.

Wednesday, May 16, 1906

Ford Lamb Gullispie & I fiddled for the students to sing this p.m. to sing the new school song. Quartette practice after school. Holl---- on my spiel after supper and tried to do German but this part is all French & such bad German. I gave up and went to bed at 9.

Thursday, May 17, 1906

Nothing much today. We four play on the first floor today as we did on the third yesterday. As it rained no orchestra practice. Bed at 9:30.

Friday, May 18, 1906

Had our pictures taken this noon. That is the ---- class. Stayed home all the P.M. and cured a headache. Went up to the Church at 5:30 and had supper there. Went over with Eva and after she dressed we went over to the Juniors dance. Had a fine time for I was not tired. It was awful hot. We went home about 1:30. Eva let me take her locket till Sunday. Home at 3:15.

Saturday, May 19, 1906

Up at 7:30. Did my work as usual & also some trig examples. After dinner mother & I went up town and I bought a fine new black suit for graduation. Am going to have it fitted a little. Bed 9:30.

Sunday, May 20, 1906

Went to church & Sunday School at the Cong. Church. After dinner went over to Eva�s. She and I took a little walk. Then Ben & Edna were up. We all went up to the Park. Stayed to lunch. Gave Eva back her locket. She says her middle name is to be Lucile so I am going to call her Lucile as much as I can remember. Bed 10.

Monday, May 21, 1906

Went up in the lab this noon with Geo Gump and did four experiments. Saw Eva a minute tonight. Gave up violin lessons tonight. Went over to Hoerners at 7. 12 boys are going to sing at the concert in commencement week. Bed at 10 after Deutsching a little.

Tuesday, May 22, 1906

Had a rehearsal of my spiel today. Eva & Edna were not at school this p.m. Probably �skipped� as usual. Studied after supper tried to do trig but no go at all. Bed 9:45 sharp.

Wednesday, May 23, 1906

Eva did not show up at roll call this a.m. and I was worried. Thought perhaps she was sick but she turned up later. Class meeting tonight. We decided to have merving take the photos & Rev. Philips preach the baccalaureate sermon at the 1st Baptist Church. Quartette practice later. Studied after supper. Bed 11.

Thursday, May 24, 1906

Mr. Mintz had me spiel today. I did not know I had to until Mr. Jones announced by my name. Went fair. Stayed and walked over to the church with Eva Ben & Edna after supper. Went up to orchestra practice. After that Mrs. & Miss Walker were down and we played etc. Bed 11.

Friday, May 25, 1906

Walked over with Eva & Mabel Woodruff this a.m. Eva Edna Ben & I are going on a trip tomorrow morning. Very hot today. Studied & read this evening.

Saturday, May 26, 1906

Up early & did my work. About 9:30 went over & got Eva. She, Edna, Ben & I went up to P---- ravine on a picnic. Took our dinner. We roasted Frankforts and made �hot dogs.� Layed around in the shade till 4 and then came home in a round about way. After supper Mother & I took a walk. Bed 10:30. Rain.

Sunday, May 27, 1906

Rain Rain Rain. Went to Sunday School to play but no one but Green brought an instrument so we did not play. There was only a few there on account of the rain so I did not stay. Guess Eva did not like it because I came home. Studied all the P.M. Mother & I took a walk about 6. Bed 9:30.

Monday, May 28, 1906

Gump and I ran the X ray�s today. We had single session on account of the rain. After dinner I went over to Eva�s and spent the P.M. Had a fine time. Eva & I knocked as usual and talked etc. Home at 5:30. Eva thinks it queer that I should wish to kiss her. I like her better every day. After supper quartette & glee club practice at Hoeroner�s. Home at 8:30 & studied till 9:30.

Tuesday, May 29, 1906

Had exercises at school this P.M. The �4� sang as usual (fine?). Ben & I were going to walk over with the girls after school & make our plans for tomorrow. They thought they would be smart & run on ahead so they went faster & faster & finally went into a store. Ben & I were mad but we hung around until they came out and then tried to talk with them but they were so smart and would not act decent so we got still angrier & left them and let tomorrow. I went over & saw Eva afterwards and I guess I talked pretty mean. She was sorry that she angryed me etc. etc. Went down & saw Edna she was sorry too. I was going to see Ben about fixing it up but he had gone so it is all off tomorrow. I don�t care. Studied & read after supper till 10+.

Wednesday, May 30, 1906

Went over to Eva�s at 9:30. It seems Ben made up with Eva last night so we are going today. Went up to Buttermilk Falls and took our lunch and stayed all day. Had a good time not so good as last Saturday. Home at 6 and got my own supper as the rest of the family were down to the casino to a picnic. Read etc. in the evening.

Thursday, May 31, 1906

Saw Eva Marsh this a.m. at school. The quartette practiced by ourselves after school. The orchestra practiced at our house this evening. Bed 10.

Friday, June 1, 1906

Single session today as it was field day. I had a big headache and did not intend to go. Walked over from school with Eva. Mother & Gerald wanted to go so I went. Haggerty broke the 2 mile record reducing it from 11.48 to 10.38. Parsons won the medal with 28 pts. Head still aches. Bed at 8:15.

Saturday, June 2, 1906

Up early & finished all my work by 9. Fiddled & read and I went up and I had my picture taken at Newing�s. Then we went up to see the Herald play ball vs the Lowells business school. They beat --- Lowell�s. Then we went shopping. Read all the evening.

Sunday, June 3, 1906

Sunday School the Orch. played after dinner went over to see Eva Rob hung around all the time. I wish he would not. Eva read and corrected my book as usual. Took over the 5th air for her to polish up. We knocked and talked as usual. Home at 8. Read & studied after supper. Bed 9:24 �.

Monday, June 4, 1906

Got the proofs of my photos this a.m. & they are fine. Took the best of course. Eva liked it best. Hot today. We finished reading ---- von V---- today. Fiddle practice at the Cong. Church after school. It went fair. Glee club practice after supper. Read till 10.

Tuesday, June 5, 1906

Had a headache all day. Bed early. Saw Eva a minute. Made some chloroform in the lab today.

Wednesday, June 6, 1906

Geo Gump & I did experiments with thee spectra scope today. Quartette practice today also I started to make a seal with the high school monogram as it to seal chem. books. Will finish it tomorrow. Got my invitation & cards & sent them out. There was a ---- piece in the Herald about high school students & I answered it. Bed 11.

Thursday, June 7, 1906

Did not study any today. Spent my time in the lab except when in classes. Working on that seal. Asked Eva to go to the picnic tomorrow & she is going. Orchestra practice after supper. Bed 10:30.

Friday, June 8, 1906

Spent most of the day in the lab. Today is the last day of school excepting the exams. We checked up our chem. lab apparatices etc. I was kinda sorry to leave. Eva came over to the house and she & I and the rest of the family went with the Cong & Trinity choirs to the Casino on a picnic. Kaley Ford Adkins & some of the BCHS fellows were there. Had a fine time. Home & asleep at 12:30. I had a little talk with Eva about why she is so prim. She said she did not know why she was but she was. My spiel about the H. School was in the Herald tonight & also the announcement that I got a Syracuse Scholarship.

Saturday, June 9, 1906

Hung around home all day. Finished carving or engraving rather the new BHS seal & took it up to the office to have electras of it BCHS it looks something like that. Fixed up my Chemistry and English History note books after supper. Bed 10:30 (This is very poor writing but excusable because of haste to go to bed.)

Sunday, June 10, 1906

Played at church today. It was children�s day. Mother & Father & Gerald went up to Walkers so I asked Eva if I could come over & she said yes. Had a good time. I put my arm around her. She did not kick real hard but did not let me keep it there. I ought not to have tried it, she is good to me. Stayed to lunch & ate onions. Home 9:30.

Monday, June 11, 1906

Had exam in English History this a.m. & got 90. Walked over with Eva & she got the proofs of her pictures. They are good. Got my suit but had to take the coat back and have it cut some more. English in the P.M. cinch. Fiddle practice at the Cong. Church at 4. Glee Club practice at 7. Bed 10.

Tuesday, June 12, 1906

Trig regents this a.m. not hard but I got so tired I made a bad mistake in the last one & got it all wrong so I can not get more than 88. But it makes no diff. German in the P.M. not hard I hurried right through it got an inner tube for my wheel tire & put it in. Played up to a meeting at the W Church. Our playing went fine. Bed 11. Walked over with Eva after school.

Wednesday, June 13, 1906

Got my wheel all fixed up and made over to see Eva. Had Chemistry this P.M. it was not hard except the last question & I got that all wrong. It was equations. Well got through all ok. Fiddle & quartette practice after school. Mother & I took a walk after supper. Bed 9:30.

Thursday, June 14, 1906

Stayed around home all day. Made a new seal today. Went up to the Mon. P.M. club rooms for glee club practice. Orchestra practice at 8. Bed 9:30.

Friday, June 15, 1906

Did a little work around home. Went over to School and took over the blank entrance slip for Syracuse U. for Prof. Whitney to fill out. Got my chem. lab book sealed. Went over to see Eva a while. She is a little down on me and so is going with Edna tonight. Saves me so much walking. Orchestra practice at 4 at the Monday P.M. Club. Went over to Whitney�s at 8. Had a fair time. At 11 it rained so I went home with Eva. I missed the last car so we had to walk. Came around this way and I got rain coats & rubbers. Eva got pretty well soiled & I was sorry too.

Saturday, June 16, 1906

Cleaned to beat the band all the a.m. Eva phoned & wanted me to get her pictures this p.m. when I got mine. I got mine all O.K. but hers were not ready yet. Mine were good. Went over & spent the afternoon with Eva. Lost my temper playing croquet & was ugly a while. Came around OK. Read all the evening.

Sunday, June 17, 1906

Sunday School. After dinner went over to Eva�s and spent the P.M. Eva showed me her new silk stockings (she did not have them on however) at 7 we went to the Baccalaureate sermon at the 1st Baptist Church. Home at 9:30. Bed 10:30.

Monday, June 18, 1906

Went up to the Monday P.M. Club and practiced for the concert all the A.M. Worked in the electrotype foundry in the P.M. Our concert was in the evening. It went fine. I gave Eva a ticket although she did not give me one for the speaking contest. She came with Rob. Had a dance after the concert. I danced a couple and then came home.

Tuesday, June 19, 1906

Went over to Hoerrener�s for quartette practice at 10. Met Eva at 12 and we went to meet Margret but she did not come on that train. Worked all the P.M. Margret came at 1:19. Sold tickets at the speaking contest after supper. Results of contest Huggins first Seward second Miss Bell first Miss Whipple second I am awfully sorry Eva did not get a place, she right to had one. Bed 11.

Wednesday, June 20, 1906

Worked all day. After supper I went over to Eva�s. She showed me her presents and they are fine. Margret & Eva & I had a fine time. I made a fool of myself as usual. Home 11.

Thursday, June 21, 1906

Worked all the A.M. In the afternoon was class day. Lots of pretty dress and faces. Here is a program. We sang the �friendship song� and our �class song� and the �short ages� Eva showed me her new watch and it is fine. We got each a bottle of �grow� medicine from the testator. Orchestra in the P.M. evening. Eva�s dress was swell. Light blue. Bed 9:30.

Friday, June 22, 1906

Worked all the P.M. Went over to school in the A.M. & got �promoted.� Graduation exercises this evening. They went off fine. Got my diploma and now I am an alumnus. My card for the term. Rhetoricals 1 2 3 4 ex aver. English 93 93 94 95 98 95 Trig 93 89 97 90 90 92 German 92 92 95 94 91 93 Chem 95 92 96 98 94 95 History 95 98 98 96 90 95 averg. 94

Saturday, June 23, 1906

Worked all day. Went up to the Park at 5:30 to the U Church picnic. Eva was in Endicott to a banquet but Margret was not. Had a good feed. Saw the show & came down to Eva�s about 10. Eva was there. Home at 10:30. Gerald went to Cannonsville today.

Sunday, June 24, 1906

Washed my work duds this a.m. Went to Sunday School. After dinner went over to Eva�s and she Margaret & I went up to the Traveler�s home for a walk. Home at 7:30 Bed 9:15. Eva wore her white shoes & got them & her white dress all dirty. So did Margaret get dirty.

Monday, June 25, 1906

Worked all day. Have a cold & a headache. Got a letter from Syracuse informing me that my entrance certificate was OK and had been filed. Bed 9.

Tuesday, June 26, 1906

Work. After supper Ben & Clayton Adams came over. Ben wants to arrange a picnic Sat P.M. so I guess I will go. Bed 9:45. after reading and practicing.

Wednesday, June 27, 1906

After work I went down and watched the Herald fellows play ball a while and they had a cinch. Went up to Eva�s and she, Margret, Rob and I went up to the Park and saw the show, it was good. Eva had a great dream about being married last night. I was in it and she thought that she liked me very much. Home at 10:45.

Thursday, June 28, 1906

Well I got a letter from Syracuse this a.m. which said my scholarship was not good for engineering. It broke me all up. I could not work all day. After dinner I went over to Eva�s & we all went up to the park. Some of the girls & Ben were there & we had a good picnic. Margret & I came home without Eva. I ought not to and if ---- she was mad. She did not speak. Finally I made up. I was sorry too and I never wanted to kiss her so in my life as then when she was feeling so bad. Margret goes tomorrow so I said good bye. Bed 9:30.

Friday, June 29, 1906

Went up to Berts and played in his orchestra. It is Burn with a big B. Had a cigarette in my pocket that was Eva�s and I smoked it. I have not smoked in a month & I wished I had not tonight. Am going to get Eva to tell me I must not. Bed 11 after ---- to Eva.

Saturday, June 30, 1906

Got a letter from Eva. She would not tell me to stop smoking but said she wished I would. I will smoke once more and quit for as long as I can.