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© Copyright 2025 Ryan Wadleigh

Diary of Odin Wadleigh, July - August 1906

Sunday, July 1, 1906

Mother went to Sidney [Sidney in Delaware Co., NY. Odin's great-aunt Joanna Owen Crawford lived there.] at 10. I spent the day cleaning up the house, my clothes and myself. At noon had dinner at the Palace. At 5 went up to Mason�s where I am going to board for some time. Bed at 10 after smoking my last pipe for time to come.

Monday, July 2, 1906

Worked hard all day and am tired. Bought a bathing suit today. Wanted to smoke bad but did not. Went to bed at 7:30. Raining.

Tuesday, July 3, 1906

I must use pencil as I have no ink. Got a letter from Eva in German saying she was going to Nineveh this A.M. & would come back Sat or Mon. I hope Sat. Wanted to smoke but did not. Rain. Bed 10:30. Rewritten

Wednesday, July 4, 1906

Got up about 7 and then went down town. Bert went to the Casino with his girl. About 11 went up to Hayes boat house. Will & Fred Foster were fixing their motor boat. Had a ride & steered the boat. After dinner wrote a letter to Eva asking her to forgive me and then had a smoke. Went over to Marsh�s and picked cherries with Rob. They asked me to stay to supper. After supper Rob & I went to the Park & saw the fire works. Home at 10. I beat Rob 3 out of 4 games at croquet. Wish Eva was home.

Thursday, July 5, 1906

Was tired today. After supper went with Bert and played in his orchestra. It went better than last time. Bed 11+.

Friday, July 6, 1906

Work. Headache. Long dandy letter from Eva. Wrote long letter to Eva. Went in swimming. Fiddled. Stop smoking makes my headache & Eva wants me to.

Saturday, July 7, 1906

Worked all the P.M. alone. The fellows went to Bainbridge to play ball. Met Eva at the D & H Depot at 8:30 and went home with her. Her people were surprised she just found out tonight that I was in earnest about going to Margrets. Bed 10+.

Sunday, July 8, 1906

Went down to the house about 9 and cleaned up my work clothes. Went to Sunday School at 12. Had dinner with Father where he boards. Went over & saw Perry Herroy who was at Syracuse, about books etc. Then went over to Eva�s. Rob was not there. Had a fine time. I got real bad & sat in the hammock with Eva & actually put my arm around her. She did not let me keep it there. Home at Berts at 10. Bed 10:30. I will not go to Margret�s until August perhaps. Quite a large fire this a.m. at 5.

Monday, July 9, 1906

Bert and I developed pictures tonight. In spit of all my promises and resolutions I smoked once more. Can not stop this week. I am sure.

Tuesday, July 10, 1906

Worked all day and smoked once in the evening. I am sorry & broke my promises to Eva but I will try to keep them after I get home.

Wednesday, July 11, 1906

Work extra hard all day. Went up to the Park to the SS class p----. Eva and I stayed to the show. It was good. Home at 11.

Thursday, July 12, 1906

Work awful hard and was so tired I did not go with Bert to his orchestra practice but went to bed before 8 p.m.

Friday, July 13, 1906

Did not do much this a.m. but worked hard all the P.M. Had a swim in the evening. I was thinking today. Wed at the Park we were talking about Ben & Edna about Ben going over to see her so much and I said he was worse than I and Eva said �you don�t come over at all.� I wonder if she meant it.

Saturday, July 14, 1906

Very hot. Went down to the house after work and cleaned up. Read after supper & retired.

Sunday, July 15, 1906

Got up at 10 and went down to the house to wash my work clothes. Dinner with Pa after Sunday School. Wore my black suit today. Over to Eva�s in the P.M. Ben & Edna came up awhile in the evening. I wanted to hug Eva but she said no. Said it was not wrong but I could not because. Home at 10.

Monday, July 16, 1906

Put in 175 pages today & could have put in more if I had had room. After I got home Floyd Beach came up on his wheel & gave me a postal from Eva in which she said Margret wants me to come out next week. So I shall go then probably one week from Wed. Quit smoking again yesterday. Had a swim at the bath house tonight. Bed 9:30. Tired.

Tuesday, July 17, 1906

Rain. Was up to the train to see Eva and Martha off to the country. Walked down from Depot with Floyd. Read and wrote during the evening and was sick �at d------.�

Wednesday, July 18, 1906

After work I went over and saw Floyd and Mr. and Mrs. Marsh. Then went up to the park. The show was burn. Wrote to Eva after I got home. Bed 11. Got a letter from Mother tonight.

Thursday, July 19, 1906

Got all caught up in my work today. Got a letter or rather a postal from Martha Beach in Deposit. Went swimming. Had a fine swim. Swam the river & then back. Bed 9:30.

Friday, July 20, 1906

I scratched my arm yesterday morning and this morning it was swelled three its ordinary size. I was alarmed, thought it was blood poisoning and went to the Doctors. He said it looked bad and told me to put on an antiphogestan p----- which I did & tonight it is better. Got a fine long letter from Eva tonight. She came home at 9 P.M. I met her & Martha. Floyd was there so I did not have to go over. Mother is coming home tomorrow P.M. Very tired.

Saturday, July 21, 1906

Another week is gone. Started in at 7 this a.m. In the P.M. went down to clean up for mother comes tonight. This is my last night at Berts. Bed 8:20.

Sunday, July 22, 1906

Up at 8:30 and stayed around home till 3. Then came down and over to Eva�s. Had a good time till 9. Mother is home now. Bed.

Monday, July 23, 1906

Work all day and got awfull dirty. After work went up to the Park, Matha, Floyd, Mrs. & Mr. Marsh, Eva & I had a little picnic. We intended to see the show but it rained. Home at 9:30. Eva & I are going up tomorrow. Bed 9:40.

Tuesday, July 24, 1906

I did not work today but loafed. After dinner I went over to Eva�s and we went to the Park and saw the show. It was about the same as last week and fair. After supper mother & I took a walk. Went up to see the soldiers in camp for the 23rd regiment of the US regulars are here for a couple days. Bed 9.

Wednesday, July 25, 1906

Loafed around all the A.M.; at 2:30 met Eva on Court St and we took the train to Owego got there at 3:30 and got a �floater� & a postal card for Edna. Then went to Flemingsville on the Lehigh. Margaret was not there but came later. Got to her house about 6. After supper Rob & I had a swim. (This page traced with pen).

Thursday, July 26, 1906

Up at 4:40 & left at 6:15 for Ithaca arriving there at 10:30. Went up to Renwick Park and ate our lunch. Harry, Margy, Eva & I went out on the lake. Saw the campus of Cornell University and the firemen�s parage for the day was Firemen�s Convention. Bought a S---- hat for Eva & myself. Started home at 6:30 & arrived at 10:45. It was 21 miles each way. Had a fine time snoozing & loafing. Ich war ein schlichter kerl als Eva sagte. [Translation: I am a more simple guy than Eva said.]

Friday, July 27, 1906

Went visiting up to Jenksville all the day. Home at 7 and went driving. In the evening we raised a rough House. Bed late.

Saturday, July 28, 1906

About ten this a.m. Margaret, Harry, Rob, Mildred, Eva, & I went over to Newark Valley to the trout ponds for a picnic. Had a good time. Eva was a little cross all the morning. In the P.M. I plagued her until she cried. Then she was mad all the rest of the day. So was I. Bed 7. All in. It was mostly my fault anyway.

Sunday, July 29, 1906

We were up fairly early. Eva & I did not say much at first but had a talk later. I must be decent after this. At 3 Rob, Harry and I came to Owego and at 5:02 I left for home & got here at 5:15. Went over & saw Mr. & Mrs. Marsh & the Beaches. Had a pleasant evening. Nobody but father home. I am kinda lonesome and blue but will probably feel better tomorrow. I feel blue after treating Eva so meanly. Gained 2 lbs. 118 to 120.

Monday, July 30, 1906

Started in on my new job packing plates. It is easy. After supper at the Grill read till 10. Wrote to Eva. Intended to go to Caccus but did not although I wrote Eva I was going. Bed 10.

Tuesday, July 31, 1906

Work order. Ar--- alle Tage. Read & mended clothes in the P.M. Bed 10. Menu breakfast . Sliced bananas & cream. Fried eggs. Rye bread. Coffee. Supper. Boiled potatos. Cold ham. Black berries. Lettuce. Ice coffee. Bread.

Wednesday, August 1, 1906

Same as usual except I have a headache. Bed before 8. Menu. Breakfast. Black caps & cream. Rye bread. Scrambled eggs. Coffee. Supper. Creamed potatoe. Peaches & cream. Cold meats. Sliced tomatoes. Rye bread. Ice coffee.

Thursday, August 2, 1906

Got a dandy letter from Eva this a.m. had to put on my glasses this morning for the first time since school was out. Wrote to Eva this evening. Got a letter from Mother. Wrote to Gerald. Had a strawberry floater. Bed at 9:30.

Friday, August 3, 1906

Bob came down stairs today & he and I are scraping the backs of some high plates. We were going to take a swim but the river was covered with oil from a break in the pipe above here. Very warm.

Saturday, August 4, 1906

Got out about 20 boxes of plates today. Had a half a water melon and a letter from Eva. Wrote to her in the evening. Bed about eleven. Bought a new straw hat.

Sunday, August 5, 1906

A terrible stomach got me last night and I did not sleep a wink all night. Had the Dr. about 8 & he gave me some dope so I slept till 12. About 6:30 Father & I took a walk & I had lunch at 5:30. I am very sore and lame across my stomach now.

Monday, August 6, 1906

Had to work pretty hard in the morning going to work at 7. The boiler man is off and I �half� to help fill his place. Terrible hot today. Had a fine supper. Read all the evening & went to bed at 9:45. Very tired.

Tuesday, August 7, 1906

Very hot again today. I expected a letter from E this afternoon but did not get one & was disappointed. Rain hard all the evening. Read a while & went to bed.

Wednesday, August 8, 1906

Work all day. Packed seven boxes of �ancient history� and shipped as many more of �everyday e-----� Went up & watched the fellows play ball awhile after work. Got a nice letter from Eva & answered it in the evening. Read & went to bed.

Thursday, August 9, 1906

The same old grind except it was easier today a little got caught again by forgetting that the grocery store close Thursday P.M. Cleaned up the house after work for mother is coming home tomorrow. Mopped, swept & shook rugs, dusted etc. Bed 9.

Friday, August 10, 1906

Mother came home today. Worked from 6:30 to 6:15 today. Bed 8:30.

Saturday, August 11, 1906

Very hot and I did not feel well today at all �sick at de stone.� It rained hard for a while tonight & then cleared up nice. Had my hair cut & went to bed after a bath at 8:30.

Sunday, August 12, 1906

I got up at 4:30 and got my own breakfast and at 5:00 left for West Newark. Got there at 10:10 & stopped 20 minutes at Owego besides it was 34 miles the way I went. Eva was at slates at Jenksville after welcoming me by skating hands for the first time. We visited till night. Had a fine chicken dinner. Then wanted me to stay all night so I did. Eva & I sat up till 9. I was very tired all day & had a good nap in the

Monday, August 13, 1906

Up about 6:30 after Eva called me twice & I had breakfast. Eva wiped the dishes for �Em. We read to each other went over to the store & got some candy and then visited till night. Had a fine time. The best visit I guess I have ever had with Eva. Started home at 5 by way of Newark Valley & Union Center. Home at 8:45. It was 25 miles about. Home not so tired as yesterday.

Tuesday, August 14, 1906

Up at 7:30 while cleaning up Geo Irving�s wheel which I rode & discovered that a part was broken so must have a new part obtained from the factory. Went over & visited Mrs. Marsh this a.m. Wrote a letter to Eva too. Rob & I went to the Park and saw the show which was burn. Called on Edna Carl just after dinner. Mother & I took a walk after supper. Bed 9:30.

Wednesday, August 15, 1906

Stayed home all day. Worked up stairs in my shop until 3 then read until 6. After supper Mother & I took a walk. Bed 9:45 I put some eye medicine in Becky�s eyes tonight.

Thursday, August 16, 1906

Worked upstairs in my shop nearly all day. Went up town twice. Read in the evening & went to bed at 8:50. Mother & I played about an hour this evening.

Friday, August 17, 1906

Worked in my shop all the morning. At 1:19 went up to the depot to meet Eva but she did not come. Went to the ball game. Bingo vs. Troy. It was a double header. Bingo lost both games 4-0 & 11-1. Went to train 14 but Eva did not come. After supper went over to Martha�s. Mrs. Marsh was there. They did not say anything about Eva�s coming so I thought she had not. Mrs. M. wanted me to go up home with her & I did * there was Eva, she came at 12. I stayed till 9:30. We all had some cream. Had a fine time. Father & Mother went to the Casino to the Mason�s picnic this eve.

Saturday, August 18, 1906

Did my usual Sat. work this morning. After dinner went over to Eva�s & we went to the park. After supper father & I went to a sale & bought some neckties shirts & collar buttons. I bought 25 ties for $2.25 & will take them to Cannonsville to get 25 apiece & so make $3.60. Read in the evening.

Sunday, August 19, 1906

I am 18 years old today. After dinner I went over to Eva�s & at 4:30 we went up the river in a boat for 2 hours. I bought some cream & we had lunch at her house at 8. Home at 9 for mother is alone. Father went to NY today. Read in the evening. Lucius Smith was here today.

Monday, August 20, 1906

Worked around home all the morning. After dinner Mother & I went up to the park & saw the show. It was good. We took our lunch after supper we took a car ride but had to cut it short on account of rain. Home at 7:30. We are alone today. More my new green shirt & tie.

Tuesday, August 21, 1906

Worked up stairs most all day. Father came home this a.m. from New York. Rob Marsh came up awhile about 2 p.m. on his way home from Nineveh. Went over to see Eva after supper. It was just fine on the porch and I guess I got a little soft but I cannot help sn----ing her a little. Home at 10. It is hot tonight. Mother & Father have gone to a dance.

Wednesday, August 22, 1906

Hot today. Worked up stairs in the morning. Mother went to Listershire so I got my own dinner. Eva & I went to the Park & saw the show. Had a good time. Walked home with Ben Schnider. We planned a clam bake.

Thursday, August 23, 1906

Worked upstairs. Mother went up to Prouty�s so I got my own lunch. Rob Marsh came over about 12:30 & I went home with him. Visited with the family till 5:30 then went up to Prouty�s to a chicken dinner. Came down to see Eva at 7:30 & came home at 9. Eva was a little cross tonight. Bed 9:30. Very hot.

Friday, August 24, 1906

Worked on my engine all day making a new steam chest & eccentric rod etc. of out brass. Went out about noon with pa to pick out a suit with him for him by him etc. Read in the evening. Bed 9+.

Saturday, August 25, 1906

About 10, Mother and I went up to the shoe store. We all bought shoes etc. I got a pair of high ones & a dandy steamer trunk. After dinner went over to Marsh�s. They did not go to the Casino it was so cold so we all had a pie --- there with the Browns & Sullivans, their neighbors. Had a good supper & music in the evening. As there was nothing doing in the afternoon I had a nap from 3 � 5. Bed 9. Eva was a little sick. 300 new spelt words were adopted yesterday as thru for through, tho for though, etc.

Sunday, August 26, 1906

Up at 8:3-. Lazed around until 1:30 and then we went to dinner at Foster�s dining rooms on Washington St. Had a dandy dinner. Went over to Eva�s at 3. She was sick last night & today from eating too much yesterday. Ben & Edna came up & stayed to lunch. We planned our clam bake for Tuesday P.M. Home at 8:30. Eva felt better towards night.

Monday, August 27, 1906

Worked all day on my engine. Studied engines & dynamics in the evening. Saw Martha Beach on my way up to the library tonight. She said Eva was better. Cold and rainy tonight. Bed about 10 P.M.

Tuesday, August 28, 1906

Went up town at 10 & met Ben. He & I got some clams & fish & then went over & fixed up for our bake in a ravine down vestal ave. After dinner went over & got Eva & we met Ben & Edna & fixed our bake. Had it at 5:30. It was good. Home at 7:30. Very tired. I guess the people have gone to the circus which when today. Read during the evening. Clams. Sweet potatoes. Sweet corn. Celery. Crackers. Lake trout. Black berries.

Wednesday, August 29, 1906

Worked upstairs all day. Got a bad headache tonight. My pass came & I am going to Schenectady tomorrow.

Thursday, August 30, 1906

I went over and saw Eva this morning and told her & could not go to the show this P.M. and I was going to Schenectady. She was disappointed so was I. We are going Sat. Left at 2:10 for Schenectady and got there at 7 after a long tedious ride. Found a Hotel and then tried to find some fellows from Bing. but did not. Did not sleep well.

Friday, August 31, 1906

Up at 6:30. Ate breakfast 7:30. Took a long walk & then went down to the G. E. Works but could not fine the right man so had to kill time until 2. Sat around in the park etc. Went up to Union College & saw the Dean. He said as much as to say that nobody but college graduates have a chance. Said Mr. Wimple & he gave me a place in the testing room at $7 a week to start with. I am much pleased. There were about 100 waiting for a job. I was the 5th one the 3rd man. Found a place to board with Mrs. Hover, a friend of Mrs. Marsh. Started home at 3:45. Stayed an hour in Cobbelskill & saw Mr. Taylor. Home at 9:30 & told the people all about it. Bed 10:45. Very tired.