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© Copyright 2025 Ryan Wadleigh

Diary of Odin Wadleigh, September - October 1906

Saturday, September 1, 1906

Went around to see every body and said good bye including Prof Whitney. Went over and saw Eva after dinner we went to the New Armory Theatre and saw the Vaudeville. It was fine. After supper Mother & I went out shopping and got some things for me. This is the last time we will poke around together. I kinda hate to go and yet I don�t.

Sunday, September 2, 1906

Went up and said good bye to Ben & his people. Sold 11 ties also at 10c per. After that I went to Sunday School which began today. Went over to dinner with Eva. In the afternoon we went down and saw Martha & Floyd and then Ben & Edna. Had some lunch and I said good bye to Eva. She was not quite so prim and let me hug her which I appreciated. But she would not kiss me good bye. Maybe she will some time. I shed a few quiet tears on my way home but I was not ashamed. This my last night home. Bed 9:30.

Monday, September 3, 1906

Worked around home all the A.M. Got the engine fired up but it did not go good too many leaks in the pipes & steam chest. Sent Eva�s oldest picture over to her by Gerald as she wanted to use it. Also sent her a little note. She answered that I could have kissed her if I had asked a little more or coaxed her & then added perhaps it was just as well I did not. Maybe so I will have it coming. Lit at 2:20. Mother, Gerald & I had a little cry together. Father went to the train with me. Got my boarding place in Schenectady at 8:30. It cost $2.00 to get from the depot there. Had the old trouble until 12 P.M. when I conquered it. Slept poorly. Am not lonesome yet & try not to be. Have a cozy little room.

Tuesday, September 4, 1906

Well I went to work this a.m. after a lot of waiting I got to work at 11 a.m. in shop 15 the armature dept. I have to help test armature i.e. the commutalor bars the armature winding & insulation etc. I like and will like it better I guess as I go along. The foreman say I can work if I try in three or so years and I will try. Went over town after work and bought some overalls a lunch basket, etc. Had a fine supper. Wrote to people, Eva & Bob Mason and sent each a view of the works or rather a part view. Bed at nine. Very tired.

Wednesday, September 5, 1906

Everything went smoothly today. I learned a lot of new things today. After this I will have to get up at 5:50 so as to leave here at 6:30 and get to work at 7. After supper I read a while. Played my violin and looked over my old physics note book of experiments I did in lab. Some of those on electrical resistance come in handy now. Bed at 9.

Thursday, September 6, 1906

Nothing extra today. Quite hot in the afternoon and I got sleepy. After supper we sat on the front porch and talked until the Mosquitoes drove us in. Read a while & went to bed about 8:30.

Friday, September 7, 1906

Bought a dandy book $2.50 called �alternating current engineering� and written by Mr. Raymond of the Main Test building. Got a fine long letter from Eva, she sent this clipping from the Herald. In the evening Will & I went to the show. It was a musical comedy �It happened in Nordland� Was fair. Home at 11:30. Bed at one.

Saturday, September 8, 1906

Had a headache this morning and did not feel well anyway. We don�t have to work Saturday afternoons. I took a nap of 2 hours and then bathed & shaved and felt fine. Sat around and rested until after supper. Then I went down town and bought a tooth brush and bandana handkerchief some socks, got my landry and a silk violin string & came home. Mrs. Hover�s sisters were up. Visited until 9 and went to bed. Got a nice letter from Mother & Father, some clipping from papers including this notice. Some stamps also a centennial number of the Press.

Sunday, September 9, 1906

Got up at 8:30 and had breakfast. Took a walk down in the country and then wrote a long letter to Eva and one to the people at home. About 5 went down to the street and mailed my letters. Read til dark. After supper looked at my electricity book awhile & went to bed early.

Monday, September 10, 1906

It was awful hot in the shop today. All the crane men were on a strike today so we had it kinda easy. After supper Will and I played poker until 8. Then I sewed on a few button. Read awhile & dumped in.

Tuesday, September 11, 1906

Hot again today. Guess it will rain tonight. I am anxious to get the Herald as it has not come yet. In the evening I read & played my violin & went to bed early.

Wednesday, September 12, 1906

Very awful hot today and we had an extra amount of work to do. I was pretty tired. Got a nice long letter from Eva tonight. In the evening Will�s sisters were over and we played cards until 9. Bed 9:15. No Herald yet.

Thursday, September 13, 1906

Hot again today. I got my first pay slip today. It was for $5.75. Got a letter from home and also a dollar bill.

Friday, September 14, 1906

Got my first pay from the G.E. today $5.57 after paying my board had 1.25 left $2.00 on hand making $3.75. The Herald came today for the first. After supper I went down the street always where there was a band concert and ice cream social. So many people and the music made me home sick especially as I did not know a sole.

Saturday, September 15, 1906

I had to work this P.M. but got through at 4:30 and get payed for 12 hrs. Mrs. Hover had to go on a case today as she is a trained nurse. I went to the show in the evening at the Van Curler Opera house. It was �The Beauty and the Beast� and was fine. Home at 11 & bed at 11:20.

Sunday, September 16, 1906

Got up about 9 and had breakfast. Then wrote to Eva & Rob Marsh and home. Took a sort of make shift bath in a little wash bowl. After dinner I went out to the aquaduct where the Erie Canal crosses the Mowhawk river and then to Luna park. It don�t amount to much. Skated on roller skates for about an hour. Came home at 6 and got a little lunch after that Mrs. Vedder who lives in the other side of the house & I went to the Reform church. It is a nice little church & I met several people including the minister. Tomorrow night I am going to the young people�s meeting to get acquainted. Bed 9:30.

Monday, September 17, 1906

Worked until 9:30 today and got 15 hrs. Ate out 2 times. Home at 10. Bed 10:45. Got a postal from Eva saying �should auld acquaintance be forgot� also the centennial number of the Herald. Will and I had to wash dishes tonight at 10:30.

Tuesday, September 18, 1906

Hot all day. Not much work. Got my dinner out but had a fine corn beef supper. Mrs. Hover�s sisters are going to be here awhile to keep house for us. After supper we did tricks well and I shot dice until bed time. I had to smoke once tonight. Guess I will smoke one pipe a night and that will be all.

Wednesday, September 19, 1906

Hot as ------ today. Bill and I minded a clock tonight. The Binghamton Centennial is on tomorrow. Wish I was there. Played dice & went to bed. I smoke.

Thursday, September 20, 1906

The big dynamo in #15 broke down last night so I had to work hard today. It started to rain but stopped. No letter from Eva yet it was due yesterday. The Big Carnival was on yesterday in Binghamton & continues today & tomorrow. Bed early with a headache.

Friday, September 21, 1906

Hot yet. Payday too & I got 7.75. In the evening I went to the show. �The Roger Brothers in Ireland.� It was good. Got a nice long letter from Eva. Bed near twelve.

Saturday, September 22, 1906

Rained hard all day. I worked this P.M. but did not do much. After supper I made a net about 3 ft square and put in on the wall with all the photos of my old class mates which I had. Got a long letter from home. Mother & Father went to Buffalo last Friday & came home Mon night. Mother told me about the good time they had. Took a bath & went to bed about 10:30.

Sunday, September 23, 1906

Up at 8:30 at 10:30 I went to church at the Reform Church and stayed to Sunday School. A Mrs. Perry taught the class and she was real nice. After dinner I wrote to Eva and Mother. Played my violin and studied. Got some lunch about 7:30. Bed 8:30.

Monday, September 24, 1906

Cool today. Not much work. Went to the Mowhawk Theater with a fellow at the shop named Moore. A good Vaudeville. It is run by the same people who run the Armory home. Bed 11:15.

Tuesday, September 25, 1906

The first frost came last night. Not much doing in the shop today. Carried my dinner. Will came over to 15 about 4:30 and said he had to work overtime so I came home alone. After supper I read an hour & studied an hour. Went to bed at 9:05.

Wednesday, September 26, 1906

Hardly any work today so I had it very easy. Drew switch board diagrams etc. Eva wrote me a dandy long letter & it came tonight. Got some heavy time at the shop and started a big picture net 1.0� X 5�. Worked on it until a little past 9 & then went to bed.

Thursday, September 27, 1906

Rain today. There was some mistake about dropping my check or making out my time slip this week so one day�s pay was much with held on my pay slip making it only 7.13 instead of $8.38. I will get it next week. Will had to work so I came home alone. A nice long letter from home today. Also $1.00 Worked on my net until 9 & went to bed then.

Friday, September 28, 1906

When I got my envelope tonight there was only 5.63 in it. When I came to the works 3 weeks ago an insurance man stopped me. I gave him my name etc. and told him I would think it over and understood him to say if I did not come on by the 28th it would be all off but there must have been some mistake for they took out $1.50 tonight. I am going for them tomorrow. Worked on my net & went to bed at 9.

Saturday, September 29, 1906

Worked until noon. I got my $1.50 back from the insurance Co. After dinner finished my net & Will and I put it up also put some pictures in it. Played cards & read until supper. After supper I went to the Van Curler to the show. It was a musical piece The Rollicking Girl & was fair. Bed at 12 with a headache.

Sunday, September 30, 1906

Up at 9. Pressed clothes & took a bath & cleaned up in general after dinner I wrote home & to Eva & played etc. until bed time.

Monday, October 1, 1906

Cold last night and a frost. Brown has gone on his vacation so I am working with Matcham for two weeks. Went down town and registered in the electrical night school, II year mechanical drawing d. c. & a.c. mechanic design. Bed 9.

Tuesday, October 2, 1906

Worked hard all day. In the evening I went to the night school. I am in the 3rd year drawing & design class and in the 3rd A.C. design class only two subjects. The drawing teacher says a good man in the class can get an opportunity in the G. E. if he works hard. Home at 9 as there was no real work this time.

Wednesday, October 3, 1906

Got pretty tired today. Also got a good big shock off from a #52 armature transforming block also a dandy long letter from Eva. She kinda wants to go to work as Edna Carl is now getting $6 per. Eva had a chance to teach school but as she was not 18 could not take it. She wishes she was 6 mo. Older. After supper I reviewed algebra until 8:30 & then went to bed.

Thursday, October 4, 1906

Worked hard as usual all day. Expected a letter from home but it did not come. Got a postal from Eva a comic one which said on it �Drink to me only with thine eyes� and that would certainly be enough of the face behind the amp. I applied for membership in A.I.E.E. (an electrical society). They have a lecture every week or so by eminent men on engineering. The fee is $1.00. Studied & retired early.

Friday, October 5, 1906

Pay day again. Got my receipt for dues to A.I.E.E. American Institute of Electrical Engineers. Went to the first lecture in the high school, by a Mr. Martin on Technical Journalism. It was good. Coffee & sandwiches served afterward. Got a letter from home. Mother and Father was going to see about the drawing instruments I wanted. Also a bill of lading for the box of things from home. Bed 10:30.

Saturday, October 6, 1906

Had a small headache until noon. Got my lunch out and then worked until 5:30. Testing coils measuring & cleaning the dynamos. Paid my board. Very windy. A big fire off to the south. Took a bath and went to bed early. P.S. Got my membership ticket to the A.I.E.E. today.

Sunday, October 7, 1906

Up at 9 and went to church and Sunday school. Mrs. Hover was home a while today. Wrote to Eva & Mother after dinner. Read. Fiddled, etc. Bed 9:45.

Monday, October 8, 1906

Got up at 4:30 & went with Will on his Milk Route as to learn it. I may have to go around it someday the whole day passed soon. Night school at 7. A.C. design. They are going to use the same book as I bought 4 weeks ago. Home at 10.

Tuesday, October 9, 1906

Went with Will again this A.M. The day dragged. Rainy & cold tonight. Night school at 7. Mechanical drawing. As there are not 10 men in the 3rd year class we have to join the 2nd year but take advanced work. Home & bed 10. Got a postal from Eva of two little kids standing on the sea shore looking at the rising sun or moon hand in hand & saying when we were boys together. I am glad Eva don�t forget me up here alone.

Wednesday, October 10, 1906

Did not get up & go with Will as I wanted to sleep. Expected a letter from Eva tonight but was disappointed. No news from home about the drawing instruments either. Will & I went to the Mowhawk to the �Vodevil.� It was good. I am out. I saw at the Armory home in Bing. Bed at 11:15.

Thursday, October 11, 1906

Cold & rainy today. My pay slip was $7.94 this week. Got a letter from home & one & a postal from Eva. She complained about my last letter not being as long or warm enough (she said it was cold). Father has boughten the drawing instruments & sent them by express. Fooled around & went to bed early about 9.

Friday, October 12, 1906

Today is pay day again. Got 7.94. Went to the A.I.E.E. a lecture by Mr. At---- who discovered carborun? Dum?. It was fine. There was also several men who spoke as to whether or not a college education is necessary. There were good points both ways. Home at 11 & to bed. Very cold today. There was a blizzard in Buffalo yesterday. Got a book from the Saving bank & put in $10.

Saturday, October 13, 1906

Worked just in the A.M. After dinner I wrote to Eva & Home. Took a little map and went after milk with Will down to south Schenectady. It was awful cold. Went to bed early with a little headache.

Sunday, October 14, 1906

Up at 7:30. Took a bath & read the papers. About 11:30, Will & I went over to Scotia to his sister�s. Stayed to dinner and afterward J-----. Will his other sister & little boy and myself took a walk for chestnuts. We saw 3 of the big NYC electric engines but no chestnuts. Home at 7 & bed at 9.

Monday, October 15, 1906

Warm today. No instruments yet. Night school at 7. The A.C. is fine. We did problems tonight. Home & to bed at 10.

Tuesday, October 16, 1906

Still no instruments. Got a letter from Rob Marsh. BCHS beat Cascadila 10- Sat. Went Mechanical drawing tonight. The class is great. We are designing an A.C. machine. Home 9:30. Bed 10.

Wednesday, October 17, 1906

My drawing instruments have come at last and they are fine. Got a nice letter from Eva also Began tutoring Jennie Sherling in Schenectady tonight. Studied until about 9 and went to bed.

Thursday, October 18, 1906

My pay slip is only $7 this week. Got a nice letter from Mother. She says father and I don�t have to pay for my drawing instruments so I am $10 in. She also said Eva called the other day and that Eva is discontented since she is through with school as now she has nothing to look forward to. That everything has seemed to drop out of her life. I feel sorry for her. Wish I could see her oftener. Studied in the evening & went to bed at 9:30. Brought a 60-30 & 45-90 triangle & a graduate scale $1.00 small.

Friday, October 19, 1906

Worked until 9:30 tonight. Pay day today. Drew $7. Got a souvenir postal from father. He is in Indianapolis. Bed 11.

Saturday, October 20, 1906

Worked in the A.M. only. Just after dinner I telephoned to the freight office & found out that my box had been there 6 days & then went to a store house about two miles from here. They said they had sent a postal but I did not get one. Anyway went over to the storehouse only to find out I had forgotten my bill of la---. Had to come home & get it to go back. Paid a dollar for storage etc. & will get the box next week. Saw a good football game over there. Read all the evening & went to bed at 9. Mon. is Margaret Barrett�s birthday so I sent her a postal with my best wishes today. She will get it Mon.

Sunday, October 21, 1906

Cold and rainy today. I stand auf at 8:30 and stayed in all day. Wrote a long letter to Eva & one home. Studied, read and practiced on my violin. Studied until 9:30 and then went to bed.

Monday, October 22, 1906

I am still on the job. Hurried home after work & went to A.C. class in the night school. Home at 9:30. A slight headache tonight. Mrs. Hover did not come back today. Had to get my lunch out & will probably have to tomorrow. Today is Margaret Barrett�s birthday. I don�t know how old she is but I guess about 18 or 19.

Tuesday, October 23, 1906

Saw by the Herald that BCHS beat Scranton 33-0 they are doing fine at football this year. Today was a very hard day, lots of work. Mr. Hover came home today. Mechanical drawing at the night school. It is fine. Home 9:30. Very tired.

Wednesday, October 24, 1906

Another long & hard day. Went to the Mowhawk & saw the Vodevil. Met a fellow who paid my way. It was fine. On the way home the car I was on stopped on the hill & started to run backwards down the hill. Went is got to going pretty fast I got scared & jumped off. It finally was stopped at the foot but I was glad I got off. Home & to bed at 12.

Thursday, October 25, 1906

My pay slip this week is 7.64. Another hard day but not quite so hard as yesterday. Read in the evening & went to bed earl. In the lower end of the shop today I saw a man who seemed familiar to me and it was Harry Buckley. He used to live in Bing. But lives here now. Works for the Gas Co. Reread Eva�s last letter. No letter from home tonight or paper either.

Friday, October 26, 1906

Payday again. No letter from home yet. Studied in the evening until 9. The lecture is not until tomorrow night. Not quite so much work today.

Saturday, October 27, 1906

Worked in the A.M. In the P.M. I took a nap a bath, wrote to Bob Marsh & started a letter to Eva. After supper I went down town and bought some chingo & then went up to the A.I.E.E. lecture on high voltage D.C. transmission. It was fine but rather long. Got several pamphlets on various electrical subjects.

Sunday, October 28, 1906

Up at 9 and wrote letters awhile then went out with Mr. Hover on the wagon. In the P.M. I tinkered a clock, wrote, read, studied, & drawed. Had some cider in the evening. Bed at 9.

Monday, October 29, 1906

Worked as usual. Bill was sick yesterday & today so I got up at 4 and delivered milk. Did not go to night school but went to a dance down town. Did not know a soul but had good dances and then came home about 11.

Tuesday, October 30, 1906

Piddled milk from 4:30 � 6:00. This noon a new fellow came on the job & I broke him in, in the P.M. Night school as usual. BCHS beat Walton 27-0. Sat I will probably get a new place tomorrow. Bed 10:15. It snowed today.

Wednesday, October 31, 1906

Have a bad headache all day. It is due to my eyes. My box is here at last & I unpacked it after supper. It had my overcoat etc. in it. Got the best letter from Eva that I have ever received. Bed 8. Quite tired although I did not work hard today. Eva sent me a ----- pendant that is her sorority, the one she is in. The pendant is dark blue with ---- blue letters.