Land Records
Suffield, Conn., Land Records, Vol. 6, Pg. 435:
Know ye etc. That we, John and Ichabod Lee both of Westfield, County of Hampshire, Commonwealth of Mass. in consideration in the sum of six pounds current money of the Commonwealth aforesaid in our hands before the ensealing have of the Joseph Cannon of Southwick in the County of Hampshrie aforesaid Yoeman, the receipt where of we hereby acknowledge and our selves fully satisfied have etc. to him the said Joseph Cannon his heirs etc. a certain tract of land in Southwick aforementioned being lot #43 in the Sheep Pasture so called 253 rods in length and nine rods, eight feet in width bounded northerly on Samuel Holme’s heirs westerly by the Great Brook; southerly on Martin Dewey’s heirs and easterly by the Pond containing in the whole 15 acres and 8 rods etc. on the 29th day of October, 1785.Suffield, Conn., Land Records, Vol. 6, Pg. 437:
From Seth Loomas to Joseph Cannon of Southwick etc. Lot #42 in the Sheep Pasture lying in Suffield in Hartford County, State of Connecticut containing 13 acres & 98 rods, in length two hundred sixty four rods, in width nine rods and two inches, bounded Westerly by the Great Brook, Easterly on the Pond; Southerly on John Lee’s heirs; Northerly on Israel Ashley’s heirs. Signed, sealed & delivered 9-26-1785.Suffield, Conn., Land Records, Vol. 7, Pg. 448:
John Stratton from Blossom CannonDeed from B. F. McKeage to C. C. Brown, 1902, Montgomery Co., TN:
That I Blossom Cannon of Walton in the County of Delaware , State of New York for the consideration of sixty dollars current money received to my full satisfaction of John Stratton of Suffield, County of Hartford, State of Connecticut, his heirs etc. a certain tract or parcell of land situated in Suffield containing 16 acres of land more or less bounding north on the highway leading by the dwelling house of David Edwards to Congamond Pond southwesterly on said Pond and to extend easterly and southerly so as to contain the same quantity & is the same tract of land set out by Eben. --- in favor of Joseph Cannon against David Edwards on the 17th day of July 1797 and recorded in the office of Alex King, Town Clerk of Suffield. Reference thereto. Witt. 16th day of July, 1798.
Deed from J.R. Whitlock to Lee P. Jones, 1893, Christian Co., KY:For the consideration of Five Thousand and Five Hundred Dollars ($5500.00) we have this day sold and do hereby convey to C. C. Brown the following lot or parcel of ground in District No. 12 of Montgomery County Tenn. and all improvements thereon to wit - lot at the South side of the Port Royal Pike beginning at A. M. Leach’s Northeast corner runs South with his line to his corner Crossland Ave. extended thence Eastardly with Crossland Ave. extended two hundred and fifty feet to a stake – thence Northwardly four hundred and eight feet to the Port Royal Pike at a point two hundred and fifty feet from A. M. Leach’s line – thence Northwestardly with the Pike to the beginning – containing Three and 28/100 acres – to have and to hold to the said C. C. Brown his heirs and assigns forever it being the same land deeded to Annie M. McKeage by J. M. Anderson; a deed to which is recorded in the Register’s office in Montgomery County Tenn. In Book 29 Page 80, We covenant we are lawfully seized of said lot of ground and have a good right to convey the same. That it is unencumbered and we agree to warrant and defend the title to same against the lawful claims of all persons, This June 9th 1902. Annie M. McKeage B.F. McKeage Jr. S. T. Ford a Notary Public in and for said County and State, the within named B. F. McKeage Jr. & wife Annie M. McKeage the bargainers with whom I am personally acquainted, and who acknowledged that they executed the within instrument for the purpose therein contained. And Annie M. McKeage wife of the said B. F. McKeage Jr. having personally appeared before me privately and apart from her husband the said Annie M. McKeage acknowledged the executors of said instru- ment to have been done by her truly voluntarily and understandingly without compulsion or constraint from her said husband and for the purposes therein expressed. My ----- expires Oct. 2 – 1904. Witness my hand and official seal at Clarksville, Tenn. this 9th day of June 1902. Seal S. T. Ford Notary Public Rec’d at 10:00 o’clock A.M. June 9th 1902. Registered June 11th 1902. T. J. Munford R.M.C. L. N. Byers, Deputy
Deed Book 85 Page 460(Note: this was probably part of the land that was originally purchased by David W. Parrish from John and Martha Gilmer in 1833 when he moved with his family to Christian County, Kentucky. The land eventually passed to David's son James S. Parrish. In 1871, James deeded these 205 acres to his sister, Lucretia Parrish Whitlock. In 1893, this land was passed to her daughter, Lee P. Jones and family. They lived here until 1919, when Lee died. The land was sold in 1921 to a Robert Woodard.)For the consideration of five dollars to be
paid and for the further consideration of the
love and affection I have for my daughter
Lee Parish Jones I J.R. Whitlock of the County
of Christian State of Kentucky hereby bargain
sell transfer and convey to the said Lee
Parish Jones the following Tract of land
lying and being in Said County and State
containing two hundred and five acres
be the same more or less. Beginning at a
stone in the State line. C. H. Roberts S. E. Corner
thence with the State line North 83 ½ East
163 poles to a Stone at Mrs. Harris’ corner
thence with her line North 29 ¼ west and passing
her corner containing the same corner
with Dr. Hickman’s line in all 190 poles
to a stone. Thence north 50 ½ poles to a stone
on the north side of Forge road. Thence North
56 west 159 ¾ poles to a stake thence north
43 ¼ west 16 ½ poles to a stone Gray’s corner
thence south 90 poles to a stone Parishes old
corner thence north 84 ¾ east 33 ¾ poles to a
a stone C. H. Roberts corner thence with his
line south 20 east 183 ½ poles to a stone
thence south 76 ½ west 42 4/5 poles to a stone
thence south 20 east 67 ¾ poles to the beginning
To have and to hold to the said Lee Parish
Jones as her sole and separate estate
free from the contracts control and liabilities
of her husband for and during the --- of
her natural life and at her death to go
to her husband T.A Jones and her children
or issue should she leave no living issue
the same property shall go to her husband
T. A. Jones during his natural life and at
his death be divided among all my heirs
I hereby warrant that I am lawfully seized
of the above described land and will
warrant the title to the said Lee Parish
Jones and her husband T. A. Jones and
her children against the claim or claims
of any person or persons whatsoever Witness
my hand and seal this June 19th 1893.J.R. Whitlock