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Obituaries, 1900-1920

Obituary of Douglas A. Jones, Ashland Tidings [Ashland, OR], c. Nov. 1900:

News announcing the sudden death of Douglas A. Jones, son-in-law of W. J. Plymale of Jacksonville, at his home at Oakland, Calif., reached his relatives at Jacksonville, to-day. No particulars were received. Mr. Jones lived in this county for a long time, where he was well known as a printer.
Obituary of William J. Martin, Plaindealer [Roseburg, OR], Apr. 29, 1901:

William Jennings Martin.
Col. William Jennings Martin died at the home of his daughter, Mrs. F. R. Miller, at Glendale, Oregon, April 26th, at 5:30 p.m. His age was 87 years, 2 months and 24 days. He was born at Louisville, Kentucky, Feb. 2, 1814. He was married to Miss Catherine Crobargee, July 16, 1839, by whom he had seven children; four of them still survive him, viz: Mrs. Kate Slocum and Mrs. F.R. Miller, of Glendale, H.D. Martin, of Grants Pass, and G. Frank Martin, of Dalles, Oregon. The three first named were in attendance at his death bed, the other son being prevented by illness in his family from being here. His wife died at the old home near Galesville, in this county, March 8, 1884; and in Dec. 14, 1897, he married Mrs. Margaret Trible of Indiana, who died June 4, 1899.
By his oft repeated request, he was buried at Maplewood cemetery, under the auspices of Glendale Lodge, A.F. & A.M., of which order he had been a worthy member for over fifty-eight years, and to which order he had given devoted service all the best years of his life. It has always been to him the highest ideal, and when he laid down the mystic tools of the craft, a heart trueer (sic) to its sacred right never ceased to beat. He was a charter member of the first lodge ever organized in Oregon, also a charter member of the first lodge ever organized in Douglas county, which was organized at his old home residence near Winchester in this county. And as the Glendale lodge performed the mystic rites, that he understood so well, over his grave, and when we saw the beautiful emblem of purity deposited upon his casket, we thought how they as Masons must feel it a privilege to officiate at the obsequieses of one who has for more than half a century been true to his trust. He never failed in his duties to the order and the Grand Master of the Universe, when he calls them all to give an account of how they have used the mystic tools in building the celestial temple will say he never failed to do his whole duty. He lived upon the "Level" and finished his work upon the "Square."
He was a pioneer of 1843, and was captain of the famous Fremont expedition from California to the states in 1844, and he returned to Oregon with his family in 1846, settled on his donation claim near McMinnville in Yamhill county; he returned to Douglas county in 1851 where he resided almost continuously until his death. He was a plain man, just and true. He never forgot a favor, and in all the frontier wars he was a leading figure. A generous government made provisions for him in recognition of faithful service by a pension of $25 per month, for wounds received in the Seminole war in Florida, when he was only 21 years of age, where he was struck by four bullets and carried off the field as dead. During his last illness he complained constantly of one of the old wounds. The lodge of A.F. & A.M. supplied him a nurse for one month, Mr. Wm. H. Neff, who is not a member of the order but who attended him most faithfully, and who said if the "Old man lives a year I never will leave him." Mr. Neff has the deepest gratitude of his children for his faithful affectionate service. Among those who were in attendance at his beside we will mention particularly Jesse Clements and S. H. Redfield, old friends. In his last days he was consoled by kind words from Dr. S. Hamilton, of Roseburg, and Jerry Nunan, of Jacksonville. And personally and in behalf of the family we wish to thank all of them who contributed in any way to his comfort.
Of the floral offerings most beautiful were received from the following persons: Mrs. Dick Miller, Mrs. Jesse Clements, Miss Dalles Miller, Little Dick Miller, Mrs. Winchell, Miss Miser, Miss Goldie Clements, Mrs. W.H. Redfield, Mrs. Adelia Redfield, Mrs. L. Jones, Mrs. A.G. Hamilton, Mrs. A. Wagner and Miss Ednol Wagner. We thank you all. HIS CHILDREN.
Obituary of Charles H. Custer, Lebanon Pioneer [Lebanon, IN], Aug. 13, 1903:

Charles Custer.
Charles Custer, a well known resident of this county, died at his home, 618 West North street, early Friday morning. Mr. Custer had been in poor health for some time, and on Saturday preceding his death he was taken ill with dysentery. He continued to grow worse until Friday morning when death relieved him of his suffering.
The deceased was born near Harper's Ferry, Va., on Jan. 10, 1826. He came to this state when ten years of age and located in Boone county in 1868, since which time he has lived in this county continuously. He was first married to Mary J. Custer in 1851. She died in 1878. To this union were born two children, John W. and David W. Custer, both of whom reside in Jefferson township. In 1888, he was married to Mary M. Powell, who survives him.
Funeral services were held at the residence Sunday afternoon at 1:30 o'clock, Rev. O. A. Cook officiating. Interment at the Cox cemetery.
Obituary of William J. Plymale, Medford Mail [Medford, OR], Feb. 15, 1904, Pg. 1:
The ranks of the pioneers of Southern Oregon are thinning rapidly. Too frequently are the newspapers of this section called upon to chronicle the passing to the other shore of some venerable and respected citizen, who has witnessed the changing of the Rogue river valley from an unpeopled, untilled area of forest and stream, to a region of happy homes and prosperous inhabitants.
This week we regret to announce the death of W. J. Plymale, of Jacksonville, who has been a resident of Jackson County for over fifth (sic) years. Mr. Plymale died on Sunday evening, at his home in Jacksonville, after a short illness from pneumonia, at the age of sixty-six years, eleven months and one day.
Mr. Plymale was born in Knox county, Tennessee (sic), February 9, 1837, and came to Oregon with his parents in 1851 (sic), arriving in Jackson County in November of that year. The family settled on what is yet known as the Plymale place, and Mr. Plymale received his early education at Jacksonville, afterward attending the Willamette University at Salem.
He first engaged in farming in this county, which occupation he followed for over twenty years. In 1876 he sold his interest in the farm and moved to Jacksonville, where he has since resided.
He was twice elected county surveyor, and in 1874 was a member of the lower house of the legislature. Up to 1896 Mr. Plymale was a Democrat in politics but in that year left the party on account of its position on the financial question, and since then has been a strong Republican.
Of late years Mr. Plymale has turned his attention to literary work, making a specialty of Southern Oregon history on which he had gathered a large amount of data, and he has contributed some valuable articles, many of which have appeared in the Mail, concerning pioneer incidents and historical events in this section.
Mr. Plymale was a man of strong convictions, and excellent traits of character. Thoroughly honest and up right, his influence in affairs in this country has been a marked one, and always for the public good. In the early sixties he was married to Miss Josephine Martin, a member of another pioneer family, and a woman of more than ordinary literary and social gifts. From this marriage twelve children were born, one of whom died in childhood. The eleven surviving are Mrs. Addie Jones, of Oakland, Calif.; Mesdames Emma Stein and Maria Fairchild, and William, Frank and David, of Yreka, Calif.; Walter, of Gervais, Louis, of Portland, and Miss Kate, Victor and Ben living at home.
The funeral took place at Jacksonville on Tuesday, and a large concourse of friends followed the remains of the venerable pioneer to his last resting place by the side of his wife, who had preceded him to the great beyond five years ago.
Obituary of Johannes (Henry) Hoffman, Mankato Free Press [Mankato, MN], Jun. 21, 1906, Pg. 5:

Father of Twelve Children Passes Away
Henry Hoffman, a well known farmer, died at his home in Mankato township, one mile east of the city, at 9:30 o'clock this forenoon of insufficiency of the heart's valves. He was born in Hanover, Germany, June 4th, 1834, and emigrated to this country about 1857. HE first located at Milwaukee, Wis., and remained there nine years. In 1867 he came to Blue Earth county and has lived here ever since. He is survived by his wife and twelve children, the latter being the following: Mrs. Bertha Gusso, Mrs. Amelia Talbert, Mrs. Lizzie Graham, Mrs. Laura Hyslop, and William, Henry, Herman, George, John, Alfred, Rudolph and Edward. All live in this county except Mrs. Graham, who lives at Fairmont. The deceased has many friends who will regret his death. Funeral services will be held at the family residence at two o'clock Saturday afternoon.
Obituary of Sarah Plymale Zigler, Unknown newspaper, Aug. 1906:

Roseburg sustained the sad loss of one of its oldest residents and most highly respected ladies in the death of Mrs. Sarah Zigler, at her home in this city, Saturday evening, August 18, 1906. Brights disease was the cause of her death. Although Mrs. Zigler had been in poor health for several years past, her physical condition did not become serious until about ten days previous to her demise. Since then the end had been expected at almost any hour. Mrs. Zigler was 66 years of age.
Mrs. Zigler was a native of Illinois and a member of the well known Plymale family that crossed the plains in 1852 and settled in Jackson County, Oregon. There she was united in marriage to L.H. Zigler. In 1873 they moved to Roseburg and embarked in the hotel business, but at the end of the year moved to Coos Bay. Mr. Zigler followed mining there for eight years and then they returned to Roseburg and again opened a hotel, on the site of which now stands the old Caro brick, at the corner of Jackson and Washington streets. Two years later the hotel was destroyed by the well remembered fire that devastated two blocks of buildings. In that fire Mr. Zigler lost his life in the noble determination that not a solitary guest should perish in the hotel. Although two of the guests died subsequently from injuries received, it is due to Mr. Zigler's self-sacrifice that the loss of life was not greater. After her husband's lamentable death, Mrs. Zigler retired to a private residence, on upper Jackson Street, where ever since remained the family home.
Surviving Mrs. Zigler are a daughter, Miss Zelia, saleslady at Rice and Rice's furnishing establishment, and the following sons, all of whom grew to manhood and are well known in this city: Lewis H. Zigler of Fossil, Oregon; Chas. P. Zigler, of Astoria; Fred Zigler of Portland; Paul Zigler of Fairbanks, Alaska; and C.A. (Stell) Zigler employed in the local freight depot of the Southern Pacific Company. With the exception of Paul, all of the children were at the family home at the time of their mother's demise.
Mrs. Zigler is also survived by three sisters and a brother: Mrs. E. Autenrieth, of this city; Mrs. Minerva Armstrong of Jacksonville; Mrs. Narissa Gianini, of Huntington; and B. Plymale of Portland. Two children precede Mrs. Zigler to the grave, a daughter who died in infancy at Jacksonville, and a son who received fatal injuries in an accident in the Southern Pacific yards here in the early 80's. The funeral was held from the family residence at 3 o'clock this afternoon, with services conducted by Rev. J. A. Townsend. Interment occurred in the I.O.O.F. cemetery.
Profound sorrow over the death of Mrs. Zigler enters every home in Roseburg where she was acquainted. The highest quality of womanhood were personified in her character, and no person could have enjoyed greater esteem than that in which she was held by all who knew her. As a mother she leaves a legacy of industrious and upright children; as a pioneer her name will be revered along with thouse who were identified with the early history of Southern Oregon.
Obituary of Henry J. Hoffman, Mankato Free Press [Mankato, MN], Sep. 20, 1907:

Henry Hoffman of McPherson died at his home there last night as a result of blood poisoning which he suffered from last winter. It will be remembered that while working for C. W. Miller, the ice man, in this city, one hand was slightly injured and blood poisoning developed and he was very seriously sick for some weeks, part of the time in a hospital.
The deceased was born Aug. 25, 1866, and leaves a wife and four children. His mother is also living, and seven brothers and four sisters, all in Mankato or vicinity. He was a member of of the Modern Woodmen of America, and had many friends who will greatly regret to hear of his death.
Funeral services will be held Sunday afternoon at two o'clock at the Congregational church at St. Clair, Rev. E. L. Heermance of this city officiating. The internment will be made at the Tivoli Cemetery.
Obituary of Georgia Current Brown, Clarksville Leaf Chronicle [Clarksville, TN], Apr. 8, 1910:

Good Woman Passes Away
Mrs. C. C. Brown yields to an attack of pneumonia of short duration.
The hearts of many friends were made sad today by the news of the death of Mrs. C. C. Brown, which occurred this morning at 8:30 o'clock. She was taken ill last Friday night with pneumonia, and her heart became involved for a short time, causing the sad fatality. The funeral service will be conducted at the home on Madison extension at 3 o'clock Sunday afternoon by Rev. C. E. Diehl, to be followed by interment in Greenwood cemetery. She is survived by a father, one brother, Dave Current, and three sisters, Mrs. J. C. Caroland, and Misses Dora and Lizzie Current; her husband and three children, one daughter and two sons.
Mrs. Brown was an excellent Christan character. Having been a member of the Baptist church for several years, her life was in accord with her profession. She was possessed of strong mental capacity and was in social life held in high esteem. Her life as wife and mother was worthy of emulation, being always loving and forbearing. Many friends unite in sincere sympathy for the bereaved husband and children.
The palbearers are: W. M. Daniel, Sr; E. B. Ely, C D. Runyon; Charles McNeal, Emory Kimbrough, J. M. Bowling, John Rudolph and C. B. Lyle.
Obituary of Emily Plymale Autenrieth, Yreka Journal [Yreka, CA], Jul. 6, 1910, Pg.

Fatal Attack Seizes Well Known Lady Without Warning (Roseburg Review)
After an illness of two and a half hours, Mrs. Emily Autenrieth, one of the best known women of this city, died at her home at 218 South Jackson street, Monday afternoon, June 27, 1910. She was 62 years of age. Apoplexy was the cause of death. Stricken suddenly about 2:30 o'clock, while doing her housework as usual, Mrs. Autenrieth soon lapsed into unconsciousness, continuing in this state until she breathed her last, a few minutes after five o'clock. Though the fatal attack came without warning, it was the second stroke of apoplexy sustained by Mrs. Autenrieth, the first occurring last fall.
The funeral was held from the family residence Wednesday afternoon at 2:30 o'clock, with services conducted by Rev. Charles W. Baker, of St. George's Church. Interment followed in the Odd Fellows' Cemetery.
Born in New York in 1848, Mrs. Autenrieth, whose maiden name was Plymale, crossed the plains with her parents at the age of 4 years. The family settled at Jacksonville, where Mrs. Autenrieth resided for a number of years, and after her marriage at Eugene. Later she moved to Yreka, Cal., and in 1891 she became a permanent resident of this city.
Surviving Mrs. Autenrieth are two daughters, Mrs. George Bolter, and Mrs. Dexter Rice, of this city; one brother S. Plymale, living in Portland, and two sisters, Mrs. Minerva Armstrong, of Jacksonville, and Mrs. T. J. Gianini, of Baker City.
Mrs. Autenrieth was an estimable lady whose companionable disposition made her many friends, to whom her sudden demise imparts a severe shock. All of the surviving, out-of-town members of the family are expected here either this evening or tomorrow morning to attend the funeral. A niece, Miss Zella Zigler, living in Portland, reached her this morning. Mr. George Bolter's parents of Brooks, and his sister-in-law, Mrs. Doro Bolter, of Portland, will probably be here also.
Obituary of Minerva J. Plymale Armstrong, Medford Mail [Medford, OR], Oct. 20, 1910:

Mrs. Minerva Armstrong, widow of the late Rev. J. A. Armstrong, and one of the pioneer mothers and wives of southern Oregon, died at her home in Jacksonville Monday morning at 1:40 o'clock.
Mrs. Armstrong first came to Oregon with her husband in 1849 [1852] and settled near Jacksonville, where she has resided since.
She was born in Virginia, September 29, 1829.
Mrs. Armstrong is survived by several grown children, among them being A. P. Armstrong of Grants Pass (sic) and Minnie Emma Armstrong of Jacksonville.
The funeral of Mrs. Armstrong will be held at Jacksonville Tuesday, October 18th, at 2 o'clock p. m.
Obituary of Della Giannini Goodman, The Baker Herald [Baker City, OR], Apr. 23, 1912, Pg. 1:

BAKER PASSES AWAY Mrs. Wesley Goodman Died in Portland Last Week After a Long Effort to Secure Health - Burial was in Huntington Today.
Mrs. Wesley Goodman of Baker but who has been traveling with her husband for her health for the last year in different parts of this state and California, died in Portland last week from consumption from which she was suffering. Mrs. Goodman was a resident of Baker for a number of years and has many friends here, her former home being on Valley avenue.
She was taken in Huntington today and buried there this afternoon from the train.
Obituary of James L. Taylor, Lebanon Pioneer [Lebanon, IN], Oct. 10, 1912:

James Louden Taylor.
James Louden Taylor, son of Riley and Elizabeth Taylor, was born in Jefferson township, Boone county, Indiana, June 11, 1841, and died at his home, three miles southwest of (bottom of page cut off) October 5, 1912, at the age of 71 years, 3 months and 24 days. The funeral was conducted from the residence at 2 p. m. Monday, by Rev. Hugh H. Ronald, pastor of the Presbyterian church, Thorntown, and the remains were interred at the Cox cemetery.
Mr. Taylor married Miss Rachel Louvina Hill, in 1862, and to them were born two children, Mrs. John Custer, of Indianapolis, and Mrs. Barnhart, of Crawfordsville, who, with their mother, survive. There are also surviving two brothers, William Taylor, of Indianapolis, and Marion Taylor, of Lebanon.
Mr. Taylor lived all his life in the community in which he and his wife were born and raised. He was a member of the Presbyterian church at Thorntown, also of the Thorntown Lodge, Knights of Pythias, which had charge of the burial services. In politics he was a Democrat, and always affiliated with his party in good faith. He spent his life farming and stock raising. He was a kind husband and an indulgent father, always interested in the welfare of his family.

Obituary of Ethalinda Brodie Jones Ogburn, Clarksville Leaf Chronicle [Clarksville, TN], Dec. 2, 1912:

Mrs. Etha Ogburn. Died December 1, 1912, at the home of her son-in-law Mr. Spencer Daniel. Age 86. Survived by three sons, Joe H., Thomas A. Jones, and John Ogburn and one daughter, Mrs. Spencer Daniel. Interment at City Cemetery.
Obituary of George F. Merriman, Medford Mail Tribune [Medford, OR], Nov. 8, 1915:

George H. (sic) Merriman, pioneer of the Rogue River valley, long a leader in republican politics, former postmaster of Medford and one of the most widely known, popular and prominent of its citizens, died at his home in this city after an illness of an hour, Saturday evening, November 6. He had spent the evening attending to business matters down town and his sudden death came as a shock to the community.
Mr. Merriman was 60 years of age, being born September 16, 1855, in Douglas County, coming to the Rogue River valley when a child of two years of age. He resided here continuously since, with the exception of three years spent in Oakland, Or. He was a blacksmith by trade, and for many years prior to the coming of the railroad, official horseshoer of the federal government between Redding and Roseburg. During recent years he operated a smithy and wagon making shop at Medford. He early became prominent in politics and was appointed postmaster of Medford under McKinley, refusing reappointment. He was a member of the B.P.O. Elks.
In 1877, Mr. Merriman married Miss. Mary E. Murray, who survives him, with seven children, Thomas T., George H., Jr., Sharon C., Mrs. Robert W. Telfer, Mrs. Claude Miles, Miss Mollie and Miss Vera Merriman. Mr. Merriman was the son of William H. and Mrs. Artie Merriman, who left the east for Oregon in 1851, first settling in Douglas county and coming to the Rogue River valley in 1857. His mother, who celebrated her 85th birthday last month, survives him, residing with her daughter, Mrs. S. L. Bennett. Twelve brothers and sisters survive him, Will M. of Oakland, Cal.; J.W. Chapman of Red Lodge, Mont.; I.A. Merriman of Central Point; Mrs. T.T. Prather of Big Timber, Mont.; Mrs. L. A. Bradley of Washington D.C.; Mrs. L. A. Harvey of Ashland; Mrs. J. C. Clark, Mrs. S. L. Bennett of Medford; Mrs. J. G. Houston of Portland; Mrs. E.K. Fronk of Spokane; Mrs. J. C. Hill of Seattle and Mrs. J. Beck of Seattle.
The remains will lie in state at the Elks temple from 12 o'clock until 2 o'clock Tuesday, at which hour the funeral services will be held at the chapel under auspices of the B.P.O.E. The funeral will be public and the friends and acquaintances are invited to attend.
Obituary of Elizabeth R. Taylor Custer, Lebanon Pioneer [Lebanon, IN], Jan. 20, 1916:

Mrs. John Custer
Mrs. Lizzie Custer, wife of John Custer, a former well known citizen of the vicinity of Hazelrigg, this county, died at the Deaconess Hospital, Indianapolis, Friday morning, January 14, at 9:30 o'clock, after an illness of about ten days, with lagrippe and a complication of diseases. The remains were brought to Lebanon on the noon interurban Sunday, and taken to Hazelrigg, where brief services were conducted in the Presbyterian church, by Rev. O. H. Carmichael, pastor of the First Presbyterian church of Lebanon. The interment was at the Cox cemetery, west of Hazelrigg.
Mrs. Custer was a daughter of Louden and Louvina Taylor, and was born on the Riley Taylor farm, west of Hazelrigg, March 18, 1863. She was married to John Custer April 26, 1882. She is survived by her mother, who is residing in Crawfordsville; one sister, Mrs. Carrie Barnhart, of Montgomery county, her husband and four children, Sumner Custer, of Cincinnati; Mrs. June Dragoo and Misses Louise and Mary Custer, of Indianapolis.
Mrs. Custer was a devoted wife and mother and a true friend and neighbor. She was a member of the Presbyterian church at Hazelrigg, where the family resided for several years preceding their removal to Indianapolis eleven years ago. There was a profusion of floral tributes, attesting to the high esteem in which she was held by those among whom she had made her home in recent years.
Obituary of Artinecia Riddle Chapman Merriman, Medford Tribune [Medford, OR], Jan. 12, 1917, Pg. 6:

One of the most loved women of southern Oregon, and a noted pioneer, Mrs. Artimeeria ("Grandma") Merriman, died Wednesday morning, January 10, 1917, at the house of her daughter in Medford, Mrs. S. L. Bennett. She was born at West Liberty, O., October 11, 1830. At the age of 18 she was married to John Chapman, and for a few years made her home at Springfield, Ill. In 1851 her parents made preparations to leave Illinois for Oregon, and but a few days before their departure John Chapman died, leaving his widow with a child, John Chapman, and the young woman accompanied her parents to Oregon, coming by the southern trail, where they suffered from usual Indian attacks, and settled finally at their future home on the Umpqua river, the town of Riddle being named for Mrs. Merriman's father. February 10, 1853, she married William H. Merriman, who was a member of the party crossing the plains with her, and in 1857 the family removed to Jackson county, where the Merriman farm on the Pacific highway, southeast of Central Point, is still in possession of the family. Mother of Sixteen.
Mrs. Merriman was the mother of sixteen children, of whom eleven are still living. A daughter of her husband by a prior marriage, Mrs. Lettie Harvey, of Ashland, also survives, John Chapman, the eldest son, lives at Red Lodge, Mont., and with his wife had the privelage of being with his mother at the end. Mrs. Lucinda J. Prather, the next in age, lives at Big Timber, Mont.; Laura A. Bradley at Washington, D. C.; Mrs. Marie Bennett, Mrs. Annie Clark, and I.A. Merriman, in Medford; Mrs. Mollie Houston in Portland, Or.; Mrs. Isabel Fronk in Minneapolis, Minn.; Mrs. Effie Hill and Mrs. Josephine Beek in Seattle; Will Merriman in Oakland, Cal. Five children are now deceased: George Merriman, Charles, Walter, Prudence and Winnifred. Mrs. R. V. Beall of Central Point is also a sister, George and Abner Riddle of Riddle, in Douglas County, and also Stilly Riddle of Hardin, Mont., brothers, are also living.
Thirty seven grandchildren and a number of the fourth generation do her honor.
A Wonderful Woman.
Grandma Merriman was one of the most wonderful women who participated in the wrestling of Oregon from the wilds and the impress of her achievements will be marked for a generation to come. Her efficiency in her work in life was a sermon in what the real American pioneer woman can accomplish. She was thoroughly versed in the Chinook dialect, and with all her household duties found time to act as interpreter between the government and the Indians in the strife of the Indian wars.
Flashed upon the screen at the San Francisco exposition was a picture of Mrs. Merriman engaged in an animated description of pioneer days, and those who were fortunate to see this delineation of an octagenarian in the full possession of her faculties bear in memory this as one of the real treats of the exposition. Would that an endless screen of her whole life could be preserved for posterity, to show of what superb quality were the mothers of the republic.
Enjoyed Development.
It is not given to many of the human race to be a part of and to enjoy the fruits of such a development as has taken place in Oregon since the day when, with her little son, a forlorn widow, she came with her parents to begin the work of redeeming from the red men the golden west. All the privations of the pioneer were endured in the firm conviction that the better life ahead would be attained by virtue of these privations for the generations yet to come, if not to be enjoyed by the pioneers themselves. It was a source of gratualation to the deceased as well as to her devoted children that she herself was permitted to enjoy all the benefits resulting from those days which tried men's souls and tested almost beyond endurance the fortitude of thousands of women. Adapting herself to the changed conditions as easily and gracefully as she assumed the duties of motherhood and her household duties in early days, in later years she traveled from from home to home of her children, with quiet dignity enjoying the amenities of life as we live today, so lovingly tendered by the younger generation.
(can't read last paragraph)
Obituary of Charles D. Goodman, The Baker City Morning Democrat, Oct. 17, 1918, Pg. 2:

Died in Portland -
J. W. Goodman, of Lookout, was notified yesterday of the death in Portland of his son, Charles Goodman, aged 28 years. The youth recently attempted to enlist but was not accepted and since then has been working in the shipyards. The body will be taken tomorrow to Huntington where the funeral will be held Friday.
Obituary of Rachel L. Hill Taylor, Lebanon Reporter [Lebanon, IN], Jun. 26, 1919:

Mrs. R. L. Taylor Died of Paralysis
Former Boone County Resident Expired at Crawfordsville Last Night.
Mrs. Rachel Luvine Taylor, widow of the late James Lowden Taylor died last night at the home of her only daughter, Mrs. Carrie Barnhart, 508 S. Grant avenue, Crawfordsville, after an illness of more than six years duration. Paralysis was the cause of her death. Mrs. Taylor, who formerly was Rachael Luvine Hill, of Boone county, was born July 25, 1844. She was united in marriage to James Lowden Taylor who passed away on October 5, 1912. For the larger part of her life Mrs. Taylor lived in Boone county where she made innumerable friends. She was a member of the Presbyterian church at Thorntown.
For the past seven years she has lived at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Barnhart. She leaves one daughter, Mrs. Barnhart; several nieces and nephews and the following grandchildren: Mrs. Mary Van Vorhees, Chicago; Mrs. Harry Dragoo, Indianapolis; Miss Louise Custer, Cincinnati; Mrs. Ruby Hays and Miss Ruth Barnhart, both of Crawfordsville, and two great grandchildren.
Funeral arrangements have not been completed. Burial will be held at the Cox cemetery at Thorntown.