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© Copyright 2025 Ryan Wadleigh

Wills and Probate Records


Will of Ann Glendening, 1733, King George Co., VA:


WILLS OF RICHMOND COUNTY, VIRGINIA 1699-1800 Robert K. Headley, Jr. Genealogical Publishing Co., Inc.: 1983 Pages 144-145

In the Name of God Amen. I Ann Glendenning of Brunswick Parish in ye County of King George being very sick and weak of body but of perfect mind and memory do make and ordain this my last Will & Testament in manner and form following [#]
Item: I give and bequeath unto my loving son John Glendenning Ten pounds current Money which I have his obligation for and also the half of a Pistole which I lent him and the other half to [be] paid to my Executor.
Item: I give and bequeath unto my loving daughter Margaret Grant my Negro named Sarah and her increase during her natural life and after her decease to her son James Grant and his heirs forever and if the said James should die without heirs, to next, [blank].
Item: I give and bequeath to my loving daughter Elinor Armstrong a Negro girl named Nell during her natural life and after her also give and bequeath to my said daughter Elinor a Negro boy named Chirmo to her and her heirs forever.
Item: I give and bequeath unto my loving daughter Jael Seale one Negro named Jack to her and her heirs forever.
Item: I give and bequeath unto my loving son in law John Armstrong all my stock of cattle and hors he paying out of the same to my loving grandson John White a young cow and calf and young sow when [he] comes to full age.
Item: It is my will and desire that all the rest of my estate be equally divided between my three said daughters, viz: Margaret Grant, Ellinor Armstrong and Jael Seale and if they cannot agree among themselves, then they shall choose two House Keepers to divide the same.
Lastly tis my will and desire that my Loving son in law John Armstrong be and I do hereby appoint him whole and sole executor of this my Last Will & Testament by me made Do own and acknowledge this my last will, executor of this my Last Will & Testament by me mad Do own and acknowledge this my last will, hereby revoking all former Wills & Testaments. As Witness my hand this 16 day of September 1733.

Ann [A] Glendenning


Sign’d Seal’d & Deliver’d)
In Presence of us - - - - -)

Hen: McKie
John [ED] Booth

Thos. [T] Armstrong

At a Court held for King George County ye 6 Day of June 1740.

The Last Will & Testament of Ann Glendenning, deceased, was presented into Court by John Armstrong her Executor who made oath thereto and the same was prov’d by the oaths of Henry McKie, John Booth and Thomas Armstrong and admitted to record.

Copa Test.

T: Turner CL: Cur:

Estate of John Duncan, 1784, Lancaster Co., PA:

John Duncan


William Duncan Administrator of all and singular
the Goods and Chattles Rights and Credits which were of
John Duncan late of LondonDerry Township deceased
produced to the Court the account of his Administration
on the Estate of the said deceased duly passed before the
Register whereby there appears a balance of L. 519.14.04
on the Hands of the said Accounts which account the
Court an examination allows and approves of and directs
that the said Balance after deducting 12% the expenses of
the Court the remainder amounting to L. 519.2.02 be
paid and distributed agreeable to law as follows, viz

To William Duncan eldest son of the deceased L. 86.10.4
To Sophia the wife of John Glover 43.5.2
To Mary the wife of John Riddle 43.5.2
To Hanna the wife of Aaron Coller 43.5.2
To John Duncan 43.5.2
To James Duncan 43.5.2
To Thomas Duncan 43.5.2
To Rebecca Duncan 43.5.2
To Margaret Duncan 43.5.2
To Mary and Rachel Duncan minor children
of Rachel Duncan decd 43.5.2
L. 519.2.02

Abstract of will of James Grant, 1801, Caswell Co., NC, Pg. 97, Book E 1805 April Court:

177. JAMES GRANT SEN. - Will - w. 8 Dec. 1801. Sons John, DIRKIN, William, James Jr., Reubin, Joshua; daughters Elizabeth Fitzgerald, Marg Lemon, Rachel as she and her only child is dead; wife ANN GRANT; grandson John son and heir of son Neely Grant deed.; one-half claim to lands in Stafford and King George Counties, Va. Exec: sons James Jr. and Joshua. Wit: Edward Watlington, Washington Weaver, Thomas Fitzgerald.

Abstracts by Katharine Kerr Kendall Copyright (c) 1979 Katharine Kerr Kendall)

Abstract of will of Ann (Diskin) Grant, 1807, Caswell Co., NC, Book E 1808 September Court:

427. ANN GRANT widow and relict of JAMES GRANT decd. - Will - w. 16 Aug. 1807. Sons Joshua, James: heirs of son John Grant decd.; sons DISHAN (or DIRHAN), William; heirs of son Neely Grant; son Reuben; daughters Elizabeth Fitzgerald, Marget Lemon, and heirs of daughter Rachel Tennison. Exec: son James; Wit: David Lawson, John Durham, Ann Durham.

Abstracts by Katharine Kerr Kendall Copyright (c) 1979 Katharine Kerr Kendall)

Estate of Joseph Cannon, 1807, Delaware Co., NY:

	A copy of the letters of administration granted
on the estate of Joseph Cannon late of the town
of Pinefield in the County of Delaware deceased.
	The people of the State of New York, by the
Grace of God Free + Independent: To Thaddeus Mather
of the County of Delaware send greeting:
	Whereas Joseph Cannon as is alleged lately died
intestate having whilst living at the time of his death 
Goods Chattels or Credits within this State by means where 
of the ordering & granting administration of all & singular
the said Goods Chattels & Credits & also the auditing allowing
a final discharging the amount thereof doth assertain
unto us & we being desirous that the Goods Chattels & Credits
of the said deceased may be well & faithfully admin
istered applied & disposed of do grant unto you the
said Thaddeus Mather full power by these presents to
administer & faithfully dispose of all & singular the Goods
Chattels & Credits To ask demand over & receive
the debts which unto the said deceased whilst living 
& at the time of his death did belong & pay the debts 
which the said deceased did owe so far as such
Goods Chattels & Credits will thereto extend & the law
require hereby requiring you to make or cause to
be made a true & perfect inventory of all & singular
the Goods Chattels & Credits of the deceased which
have or shall come to your hands possession or knowl
ege & the same so made to exhibit or cause to be
exhibited into the office of Surrogate of the County
of Delaware at or before the expiration of six --
---- months from the date hereof & do render
a just & true account of administration when there
unto required.  And we do by these presents de
pute constitute & appoint you the said Thaddeus
Mather administrator of all & singular the Goods
Chattels & Credits which were of the said Joseph
Cannon deceased.
	In testimony whereof we have
caused the seal of the office of our said Surro
gate to be hereunto affixed. Witness Anthony 
Marvine Esq. Surrogate of the said County at
Kortright the fourth day of June in the year
of our Lord one thousand eight hundred & seven.
Delaware County.	Be it remembered that on the fourth
day of June in the year of our Lord one thousand
eight hundred & seven personally came before me
Anthony Marvine Surrogate of the said County
of Delaware Thaddeus Mather to whom I administer
ed an oath in the words following to wit You do
swear that Joseph Cannon late of the Town of
Pinefield in the County of Delaware deceased
died without any will as far as you know or 
believe & that you will well & faithfully ad
minister all & singular the goods Chattels & 
Credits of the said deceased & pay his debts as far
as his Goods Chattels & Credits will thereto extend
& the law require you: And that you will make
or cause to be made a true & perfect inventory
of all & singular the said Goods Chattels 
& Credits of the said deceased as also a true
& perfect account of your administration a
exhibit the same within the time for that 
purpose prescribed by LAW
Anth Marvine

	To Anthony Marvine Surrogate of the 
County of Delaware: We the undersigned the 
Widow & next of kin to Joseph Cannon late
of Pinefield in the County of Delaware deceas
ed have & by these presents do consent & agree
that letters of administration be granted on the
estate of said Joseph Cannon to Thaddeus 
Mather of Pinefield aforesaid: Witness our
hands & seals the day of June 1st, 1807
Abigail Cannon
Rachel Cannon
Dexter Cannon
Ansel Cannon
Abigail Winters

James Durfee
Benj. Cannon

	The preceding letters of administration to
Thaddeus Mather with a memorandum of the
oath administered to him as administrator 
& also the renunciation of Abigail Cannon
Rachel Cannon Dexter Cannon Ansel Cannon
& Abigail Winters the widow & next of kin 
to the said Joseph Cannon deceased 
were recorded this fourth day of June in the 
year of our lord one thousand eight hundred & seven

Will of Daniel Morse, 1807, Chittenden Co., VT:

In the name of God Amen, I Daniel
Morse of Underhill, in the County of Chitten
den and State of Vermont, being weak in 
body but of Sound and perfect mind and
memory, do make and publish, this my
last will and testament in manner and 
form following; to wit; I give to my beloved
wife Ruth Morse, all my real + Personal estate
during the term of her natural life (viz) fifty
acres of Land being the farm on which I now
live in said Underhill, and all my household
furniture + weaving apparil and after the 
Decease of the said Ruth, the remainder of 
said real and personal estate I give to my
son Joseph Morse to hold to himself & his 
heirs forever subject to the payment of
the following legacies (to wit) twenty cents to my
son Micahel, to be paid in six months after my de
cease, to my son Daniel, twenty cents, to my son Paul
twenty cents, to my daughter Mary, twenty cents
to my son Thomas, twenty cents, to my son
Levi twenty cents, to my daughter Sally twenty 
cents, to my daughter Ruth twenty cents, to
my son Joel twenty cents, all to be paid as last
above mentioned.  And I hereby appoint my be
loved wife Ruth Morse sole executrix of this
my last will and testament at the same time
revoking all former wills by me made in
witness whereof I have hereunto set my 
hand + seal this seventh day of October 
A one thousand eight hundred + seven.
	Daniel Morse

The within signed sealed published and
and (sic) declared by the within named Daniel
Morse, to be his last will + testament in
the Presence of us who have hereunto 
subscribed our names as witnesses in the
Presence of the testator
Abner Eaton
Aleck W----
Peter Martin

[This will was proven on November 10, 1807.]
Will of Hendrick Clauw, 1813, Columbia Co., NY:

The last Will and Testament of Hendrick Claw of the town of
Kinderhook in the County of Columbia deceased
	In the name of God amen, I Hendrick Claw being of 
sound mind and memory do make this my last Will and
Testament. First I give and bequeath to my niece Polly
Southerland the daughter of my brother Andres the sum 
of Twenty dollars, and all the rest and residue of my prop-
erty I give and bequeath to my brother Samuel and his
wife. Lastly, I appoint Peter Van Schaack and Catharine
Weaver Executors of this my will. In witness whereof I have
hereunto set my hand this thirtieth day of January in the
year one thousand eight hundred and thirteen.
Signed by the testator				Hendrick Claw
in presence of us Maria Van Vleck
David V Schaack

Will of Thomas Butler, 1815, Chittenden Co., VT:

In the name of God Amen I Thomas Butler
of Hinesburgh in the County of Chittenden and
State of Vermont being sound in mind and memory
altho somewhat Indesposed in badely Health
do make and ordain this to be my last Will and
Testament in Manner and form following (viz.)
1stly resign my soal (sic) to God that gave it and 
and my body to the dust to be decently interred by my 
Executor herein after named and that my Debts
and funeral charges be Discharged and as it
---- such temporal Interest as the Land in
his Great Goodness has made me stuart of it is
my Will and Plasure (sic) that it be Disposed of in
the following manner
1stly I give and bequeath to my loving Wife one third
part of all the Estate that I am possessed of at my decease
both real and personal together with all the Household 
2ndly I give and bequeath to my loving Daughter Polly 
Brown Twenty Dollars payable within four
years after my decease without interest
3rdly I give and bequeath to my loving Daughter
Hannah Thirting (sic) one Dollar payable within
foive (sic) years after my dceas (sic) without interest
4thly I give and bequeath to my loving Son Rulif
Thirty Dollars payable within five years after
my Deceas (sic) without interest
5thly I give and bequeath to my loving Daughter 
Sally Bassett Twenty Dollars payable within
three yeras after my deceas (sic) wihout interest
6thly I give and bequeath to my leoving (sic) Daughter
Jane Wilfor (??) Ten Dollars payable within 
three years after my Deceas (sic) without interest
7thly I give and bequeath to my loving Daughter
Lydia Bostwick Forty Dollars payable 
one half within two years the other half within
six years after my Deceas (sic) without interest
8thly I give and bequeath to my loving Daughter
Cathrine Bostwick Twenthy Dollars payable
within three years after my diseas (sic) without
Lastly I give and bequeath to my dutifull Son
White Butler all the remander (sic) of my 
Estate both real and personal together with all
the moveables that I am possessed of at my Deceas (sic)
after paying out all the foregoing ---- in the 
foregoing Will I do hereby constitute the said
White Butler my Lawful Executor of this my
last Will and Testament signed sealed published 
and pronounced this 6th day of October in the
year of our Lord one Thousand Eight hundred and
fourteen in presence 
of Wm. B. Mark
James McEven
Fanny Wheeler

Thomas Butler

[This will was proven on August 14, 1815.]

Will of Isaac Huyck, 1820, Delaware Co., NY:

The Last Will + Testament of Isaac Huyck
	Proved and Recorded January 9th 1834.

In the name of God, Amen I, Isaac Huyck of the Town of Tompkins
County of Delaware and State of New York, being blessed by God
of sound mind memory and understanding do this day make
this my last Will + Testament in manner + form following that
is to say – First I give and bequeath unto my son Peter all my
real Estate real after my debts and funeral charges are paid
out of my real estate to his sole use also my large iron kettle, 
unto my daughter Antia, I give and bequeath twenty dollars 
unto my Grand Daughter Susanna the daughter of Jacob
my son, I give twelve dollars to be paid eighteen months after
my decease, the two last legacies to be paid out of my real
estate by my son Peter, unto my Daughter Catalynlia, I 
giv + bequeath one cow two sheep and all the clothing beds +
bedding and furniture of every kind and lastly, I do hereby nominate and
appoint my son Peter sole Executor of this my last will and
testament revoking all others heretofore made by me and
do charge him to take care + see the same performed allow
ing to my true intent and meaning. – 
In Witness whereof I the said Testator have to this my 
last Will + Testament set my hand + seal this twenty ninth
day of June in the Year of our Lord one thousand eight
hundred + twenty.
Signed sealed + delivered by			Isaac Huyck
the Testator as + for his last will
and testament
Joseph Adare
Salman Bratton
William Bratton
Delaware County

Will of Thaddeus Bennett, 1822, Fairfield Co., CT:

I Thaddeus Bennet of the town of Newtown, County of Fairfield, State of Connecticut, do make and ordain this my last will and testament in manner and form following viz. I will that all my debts and funeral charges be paid by my executor hereafter named, reserving the following moveable property for my wife hereafter mentioned. I give and bequeath to my beloved wife Martha, one cow, eight sheep, and two swine together with the whole of my household furniture, including the loom, reads? and all the apparatus for weaving, which I shall be the owner of at the time of my decease, also the use and improvement of all my lands with the buildings thereon, during her natural life, reserving the wood for my children hereafter mentioned, all which shall not be necessary for her to burn yearly so long as she shall live. I give to my sons, David, George, Elijah, Thaddeus, Eli, Wildman, and my daughters, Betsey, Lydia, and Minerva the residue of my moveable property, also the land and buildings, to them and their heirs forever to be divided equally among them, when it shall be free from the incumbrance of the widows right of dower. And I do nominate, constitute and appoint my son David Bennet to be the sole Executor of this my last will and testament. In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal the 12th day of March in the year old our lord 1822. Signed, sealed, published, and declared by the said testator, Thaddeus Bennet, to be his last will and testament, in the presence of us, who have subscribed our names and in the presence of the testator. Philo Beers Sally Beers Ezekiel Beers

The foregoing is a true record of the last will and testament of Thaddeus Bennet decd. as on file.

Attest Samuel C. Blackman Judge of Probate Court of Probate, District of Newtown ??: Newtown, January 23rd, 1831. David Bennet, the person appointed executor of the foregoing last will and testament of Thaddeus Bennet, late of Newtown in said District decd. presents said will to this Court for approbation and the same having been proved, is by this Court approved and ordered to be recorded. And the said David Bennet accepted said trust of executing said will and gave bond with Pardon Parker his surety in the sum of 500 dollars for a faithful discharge of the duties of said ???, which is lodged on file. Elijah Sherman and Abner A. Nettleton? , both disinterested freeholders of said Newtown, are appointed appraisers to make a just appraisement of the estate of said deceased – Twelve months are all owed to make a final settlement of this estate. Samuel C. Blackman, Judge.

Will of Clark Cannon, 1826, Hampden Co., MA:

I Clark Canon of Southwick in the County
of Hampden & Commonwealth of Massachusetts
Being weak & feeble in bodily health but at
present in the full enjoyment of my intellec-
tual faculties and considering the uncertainty 
of this mortal life, Do make and publish
this my last will and testament in maner
following – 
	I give and bequeath to my wife Dolly
All that I have agreed to give her by a certain
joinder or written agreement made between her
and myself & in addition thereto all the 
moveable property that she brought or that
came to my house with or by her except one 
dressing table & one of the best blankets. Also
the privilege in my dwelling house for a home
for the space of two years provision enough to 
make her comfortable the like term of time
after my decease –
	I give and bequeath to my daughter 
Citoyenne Five Dollars in addition to One Hundred
and twenty which she has already had – 
I give and bequeath to my son Calvin Three
Hundred Dollars.
I give and bequeath to my son Clinton Three
Hundred Dollars –
I give and bequeath to my daughter Orpah
the like sum of three hundred dollars to be
paid in part as far as they go in the following
articles to be taken at apprisal of some of the 
neighboring women (to wit) One fine feather bed
and one dead do. with she bedsteads ropes bed cloth-
ing & all the apparatus necessary to furnish the two
beds. Also one brass kettle being articles now in my
	I give and bequeath to my grand daughter 
Marietta two hundred Dollars to be paid as soon
as she arrives at the age of twenty one. But should
she not live until that time, the sd. sum of two
hundred Dollars to be put at annual interest
until it amounts to Four hundred Dollars 
& then divided equally among all the grandchil-
dren that I shall then have living –
And the remainder of my property I give to my
two sons Elisha & Clark to be divided equally
between them.  It is my request that shall none of the 
above legacies should be paid except that to
my wife & that part that is to be paid to my
daughter Orpah in furniture & the others, to
for – moveable property shall rain? the 
means? untill my son Clark becomes of 
age. The moveable property I wish to have
sold & so far as that goes the amount may
be distributed to pay the legacies. But I wish
to have the administrator or my executor
take charge of the property & not sell the
farm or any of my real restate at auction
untill my son Clark becomes of age but
sell it at private sale as soon as it will com-
mand a fair price. I wish him to let it out or make the
best use of it untill such time. – And I hireby
appoint Enos Foote of Southwick my executor
to execute this my last will and testament.
In witness whereof I have here unto set my hand
and seal this fourteenth day of october in the 
year of our Lord One thousand Eight hundred
& twenty six. 
Clark Cannon			
In presence of.
Vogue Rockwell
Sheron Rockwell
Will of Peter D. Brower, 1828, Delaware Co., NY:

	In the Name of God Amen –
I Peter D. Brower of the Town of Tompkins County of Delaware
and State of New York, Being Blessed of God, of sound mind
memory and understanding, do this day make this my last will
and Testament in the manner and form following, that is to say
first, that all my Debts be paid together with my funeral charges
Secondly, I give to my Brother in_ Andrew Smith of Davenport One
Half of my farm which I now live on, and the other half I give
to my wife Arvilley and my son, in the manner following, My wife
to enjoy her share as long as she remains my widow, and in case
of her marriage it becomes to my son P. Orlindo by his paying
his mother fifty Dollars, in case my son P. Orlindo should die
before he comes to years of understanding, the whole of the above
mentioned farm is to become to the above named Andrew Smith
by his paying to my wife the above named sum of fifty Dollars 
Thirdly, I give and bequeath to the above named Andrew Smith
all my house furniture which my Father & Mother have now in
their possession, except one large blue chest I give to my Father
Fourthly, I expressly request the above named Andrew Smith to
pay to my Mother in her old age, --- sum of money as she may
stand in need of to support her and the young children and
Lastly, I do hereby nominate and appoint Oliver Hale Jnr. and
George W. Huyck Executors of this my last will and Testament and
charge them to sell all my personal property consisting of --- cattle
sheep, horses, hogs, and farming utentials of every ------ to the best
advantage, and make payments from time to time as it becomes due
on this my farm which I now live on, and I do charge them to take care 
and see the same performed according to my true intent and meaning
In witness whereof I the said Testator have to this my last Will and
Testament set my hand and seal this Sixteenth day of April, in the
Year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and twenty eight.
Signed sealed and Delivered by the			Peter D. Brower
testator as and for his last will and
testament in the presence of these witnesses
	Peter Huyck
	Isaac Jackson
	Timothy Hale

Will of James Wadleigh, 1830, Strafford (now Belknap) Co., NH:

In the name of God Amen
I James Wadleigh of Sandbornton in the County of Strafford
and state of New Hampshire do make and publish this my last
will and testament in manner following
First I give and devise to my son John Wadleigh the one half of
my undivided homested (sic) farm excepting my delling (sic) house said
land is situated in lot number thirty five in the second division
of lots in said town and also one other piece of land in lot number
fifty two in the second division of lots in said town containing
about sixty eight acres of land and is all of the upper piece of land
that I own in said lot and also one half of a pew in the upper
Baptist meeting house together with one half of all my personal
property of whatsoever name or nature after payment of all of my
debts and legacies to him his heirs and assigns forever
I also give and devise to my son Asa Wadleigh the one half of my
homested (sic) farm and all of my dwelling house except the two west
rooms which is reserved for my daughter Betsey Wadleigh ---cing
her living a single woman and one other piece of land in lot
number fifty two in the second division of lots in said town
containing about sixty acres being the lower piece of land that
I own in said lot together with one half of a pew in the first
Baptist meeting house and also one half of all my personal
property of whatsoever name or nature after payment of
all of my debts and legacies to him and his heirs forever by the
Asa paying the said Betsey fifteen dollars in money annually
and keeping one Cow and three sheep free from any expense
to the said Betsey so long as she shall live a single woman
I also give and devise to my son James Wadleigh two dollars
to be paid him in two years after my decease by my Executor
herein after named
I also give and devise to my Grandchildren viz Maryann
Mason Lewis Mason Joseph Mason Benjamin Mason
Betsey Mason James Mason and Rozilla Mason the sum
of fifty cents each to be paid them respectively by my
Executor in two years after my decease
I also give and devise to my grandchildren viz Samuel
Lane George Lane and Mary Jane Lame the sum of fifty
cents each to be paid them respectively by my Executor in
two years after my decease
I also give and devise to my daughter Betsey Wadleigh the
two west rooms in my dwelling house with a privilege to
the better oven and chamber so long as she shall live a single
woman but after her marriage or decease to all unto
the hands of the said Asa Wadleigh and also I give to the
said Betsey Wadleigh all of my household furniture
except one feather bed and also one Cow and three sheep
for her use and benefit forever said Cow and Sheep are
to be kept on the said Asa part of the farm free from
any expense to the said Betsey so long as she shall
live a single woman and also fifteen dollars in money
to be paid her annually by the said Asa Wadleigh so
long as she shall live a single woman
I also give and devise to my daughter Sally Morrison
one feather bed and also ten dollars in money to be paid
her in three years after my decease
I also give and devise to my son Joseph Wadleigh two
dollars and last I do hereby constitute and appoint
my son Joseph Wadleigh sole Executor of this my last
will and testament hereby revoking all former wills
by me made
in witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and
seal this twenty seventh day of January 1830
Signed sealed published and declared by the above named
James Wadleigh as and for his last will and testament
in presence of us who at his request and in his presence
and in the presence of each other have subscribed our
named as witnesses theirto
Saml. Dustin
Moses Kimball
Mark Weeks

Signed James Wadleigh
his mark

Estate of John Brodie, 1830, Montgomery Co., TN:

Admin. Bond, Will Book F, Pg. 139, Montgomery Co., Nashville Archives:

Know all men by these presents that we David Brodie & Lodowick Brodie
Alexander Brodie & Benjamin F. Harrison all of the state of Tennessee and County
of Montgomery are held and firmly bound unto the Governor in and over the state assessor
or his successors in office in the just sum of Ten Thousand Dollars to be paid to said
Governor or his successor in office or their officers which payment will and truly
to be made we bind ourselves our heirs Executors and administrators jointly and
severally firmly by these presents sealed with our seals and dated this 18th day of October 1830
The Condition of the above obligation such that if the above bounder? David
& Lodowick Brodie administrator of all and singular the goods and chattles
rights and credits of John Brodie decd ----? or cease to be made a true and perfect
inventory of all and singular the goods and chattles rights and credits of the decd
which have or shall come in to the hands knowledge or possession of the said David
& L Brodie or into the hands of any other person or persons for him and the same so
made do exhibit or cause to be exhibited unto our ---? County Court and the
same goods and chattles rights and credits and all other the goods chattles rights
and credits of the decd at the time of his death which at anytime hereafter comes
into the hand of any other person or persons for him do well and truly
administer according to law and further do make or cause to be made a true
and just account of the administration within one year after the date of these
presents and all the rest and residue of the said goods chattles and
credits which may be free and remaining on said administration account
the same being first ----? and allowed agreeably to ---? shall deliver
and pay into each person or persons respectively as the same shall be ---? pursuant
to the true? intent and meaning of this administration and if it shall appear that
any ---? or testament was made by the decd and executor or executrise thereto
named do exhibit the same unto our court making it allowed and approved of
according by if the said David & L Brodie th--? ----? being ----? ----? and deliver
said letters or administration approbation of said testament being first had and made
in our said Court ---? this obligation to be void else to remain in full force
and law

David Brodie
Lodowick Brodie
Alexander Brodie
Benjamin F. Harrison
Provision, Will Book F, Pg. 158, Montgomery Co., TN, Nashville Archives:

We the undersigned being appointed by the County Court of Montgomery
Tenessee at the October Term 1830 to assign to Mary Brodie widow of John
Brodie deceased one years provisions and make report to the next term of
said Court in compliance of the above do make the following statement
to wit 14 Hogs first choice
75 Barrels Corn
1000 bls. Fodder?
1 Barrel of whiskey 20 Bushels of wheat 7 Bushels of salt all
the -----? & -----? all the -----s? --- ----- f-----
Potatoes molasses p----- 60 – Cotton 1 Beef 150 lbs s---- Br-----
2 Loaves of ---- ---- 30 lbs coffee 1 lbs Tea 3 ---- --- of --- ½ Barrel
of vinegar F---- --

Andrew Wilken
Robert Heston
William Maim

Will of Joseph McKune, 1838, Susquehanna Co., PA:

I Joseph McKune of the township of
Harmony county of Susquehanna and State
of Pennsylvania considering the uncertainty of this mortal life and being now
in sound mind and memory do declare my last will and testament in manner
following. First I give to Phebe my beloved wife one half of the furniture
belonging to the house and one colt three years old, one one-horse waggon and Harness
two cows and eight sheep. To my daughter Julia Ann I give one half of the 
household furniture. Likewise it is my will that all the movable property
beside what is heretofore mentioned be sold to discharge my debts and
demands against me all dues and demands which I hold against any person
or persons to go to the purchasing of two sets of tomb stone the one for my wife Anna
and the other for my self. If any thing shall remain to go to the education and
bringing up of my daughter Julia Ann. If anything should afterward remain to
be given to Julia Ann when she arrives to the age of Eighteen Years. Also it is my
request that Phebe my wife should have the care + overcharge of my daughter
Julia Ann while she remains my widow. And I do herein declare and appoi-
nt my beloved wife Phebe executrix and Robert McKune my son Executor of this my last
will and testament. In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal this
ninth day of April in the year of our Lord 1838.
Witness present.
Jacob Skinner
Eliza A. Winter

Joseph McKune

Will of Joseph Wheless, 1844, Montgomery Co., TN, RB J-217 (thank you Faye Jensen):

In the name of God Amen, I Joseph Wheeless of the county of Montgomery and state of Tennessee being, weak in body but sound and disposing mind and memory do make publish and ordain this my last will and testament (to wit) First I recommend my soul to Almighty God, who gave it to me in hope of a joyful resurrection & as to my worldly goods I dispose of them as follows

Item 1st. I give and bequeath to my grand son Joseph Wheeless son of Aquilla Wheeless the north end of my tract of Land beginning at the Cross Roads and running north the lane by my son Aquilla Wheeless to the front of hill on or near Brush Creek I also give to the said Grand son Joseph Wheeless, one feather bed & furniture to him and his heirs forever.

Item 2nd. The balance of my tract of land it is my will that it be equally divided between my five Gransons to wit; Wiley, Alexander Wheeless, James Wheeless ,William Wheeless, and John Wheeless and it is also my will that the five last mentioned grandsons, have one feather bed each to them and their heirs forever.

Item 3rd. I also give to my grandson Alexander Wheeless one sorrel horse to him and his heirs forever.

Item 4th. I give to my grandson James Wheeless my sorrel pony to him and his heirs forever

Item 5th. I give to my daughter Jane Holt, one _____ feather bed and furniture to her and heirs forever.

Item 6th. I will and bequeath to William Hall five Dollars in money and heirs forever debared from any more of my estate.

Item 7th. I give to my grandchildren Winney Pardew, Matilda Garrison, Joseph Wheeless, Henry Wheeles, children of Leah Wheeless five Dollars each in money and They are forever debared from any more of my estate.

I do hereby nominate and appoint my son Aquilla Wheeless my whole and Soul executor to this my last will and Testament hereby revoking and _____ wills & void all wills by me heretofore made. In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my seal this 7th day of April in the year of our Lord 1843

Witnesses Joseph X Wheeless Seal
Saml F. Green mark
Z. Grant

The foregoing Will of Joseph Whessless Deceased was this day produced in open Court and proven by the oaths Samuel F. Green and Z. Grant. July 1st 1844
Attest B P Bradly Clerk

Will of Sion Hunt, 1845, Christian Co., KY:
State of Kentucky, Christian County
    I Sion Hunt of said State & County being much afflicted 
in body but of sound mind and memory am admonished
that my end is fast approaching, and wishing so to dispose 
of the estate with which God has blessed me in this World 
as will best redound (??) to the interest of my family, do make 
& ordain this as my last Will.  And whereas my 
youngest son Benja Hunt prefers not to settle or remain 
on this place where we have been so often consumed by 
fire, by the hands of some unknown incendiary, and 
whereas him & his sister Mary H. Murray, in deficient
in their portions of my estate, to those had & received by 
their other brothers & sisters when they settled or com-
menced in live, my will & wish is therefore that they 
be made equal in their portions with those already received 
by the others – and that preparatory thereto my said tract 
be by my said son Benja F. & Wm. J. & Jas. T. Wynne (sons 
of my said daughter Mary H. Murray) divided in this 
following manner (to wit) Beginning where my 
south boundary line strikes the creek west of R. G. Whites 
at a white oak on the bank of the creek marked as a 
corner, betwixt myself & Saml. White running thence 
up the creek with its meanders to where Whites line 
leaves it, and thence continuing up the creek to its head 
spring, to an old Sycakamore with with high prongs 
grown up from an old stump and from said Syacka-
more such northerly course to my north boundary 
line, as will leave two hundred acres west of said line 
composing the tract deeded in trust for John J Hunt’s benefit 
- and beginning in said line at such point as a due east 
line will include on the north side of my tract two hun-
dred & fifty acres, which will include my residence 
- which I reserve as my own future residence and dowry 
to my wife after my death, during her natural life 
- having her also during her life my negro man Batt 
my woman old Fannen – Girl Ann & Boy Robin with 
such supply of provisions, stock, tools, houshold & kitchen 
furniture as may be deemed requisite by my Excrs 
for her future support agreeable to her former station in live.
    And my will is that so soon as son Benja F., W. J. 
& J. T. Wynne hath made such survey of my land that they 
proceed fourthwith to sell the portion falling south of the 
said last described line out of which proceeds, I give said 
Benjamin F. twenty five hundred dollars together with 
the following negros my man Joel, Boys Jack & Dave 
& Woman Caty with her child James as a portion to him 
equal to those recd. by his older brothers & sisters at their 
several starts in life.  But out of said land fund 
I give to my said daughter Mary H. Murray & her said 
sons, fifteen hundred dollars as still wanting in her 
portion to make her, or them, equal with her brothers 
& sisters in the portion they have had & recd.
    I also give to my grand daughter Sarah daughter 
of my second son Thomas Hunt, my girl Caroline 
and to my grand son Andrew D. Hunt son of said 
Thomas my boy Bobb as making them equal in 
their portions at this time, in what would have 
been to their father in his portion.  I also 
give in addition to the property deeded in trust as afore-
said to the benefit of John S. Hunt my boy Ben now 
in his possession as making his portion equivalent 
to his brothers & sisters.  And in any future divi-
sion or distribution of my estate I wish the children 
of my deceased daughter Lewtilda T. Parrish considered 
as composing one legatee - those of my son Thos. Hunt 
as one – and the children of J. J. Hunt (after her death) 
as one – And after my decease I wish all my 
estate of every kind not herein disposed of, sold for an 
equal distribution amongst my legatees the perishable 
part at public auction on two due months time, and 
the negroes by a sale exclusively among my legatees 
giving my man Austin & Tanna his wife the privi-
lege of choosing their Master or Mistress amongst them 
if said Master or Mistress will take them at valua-
tion – and after the death of my wife the property 
in her possession sold in like manner for a last 
distribution – and the property contained in said 
deed of trust for J. J. Hunt’s benefit redeeded as provided 
by said deed of trust to the children of said John --- (??) – 
said trustees – and lastly I constitute & appoint as Executors 
to this last will Jas M. Hunt – Benja F. Hunt – Wm. J. 
& Jas. T. Wynne who will all or any part of them, act as 
they may prefer hereby disavowing and disannulling all 
former wills by me made – May 1st AD 1845.
Signed sealed & acknowledged in the presence of 
Daniel M. Foster
Richd. (his mark) G. White

S. Hunt (seal)
Will of Zaddock Martin, 1849, Yamhill Co., OR:
Know all men by these presents that I Zadoc Martin of the county of Yam Hill Territory of Oregon, do hereby make my last Will and Testament. To wit.
First, I will that all my just debts and funeral expenses be first paid.
Second, I will and bequeath to my wife Susannah Martin the sum of Four Thousand Dollars coming from James B. Martin in the County of Platte State of Missouri, also a note on the Franklin B. Martin for one hundred and fifty seven dollars or thereabouts, also a note on Mr. Graves for twenty five dollars – also a note on Wm. Vaughan for a first note American coins also One hundred and fifty Dollars coming from William J. Martin for the horse I sold him, to be paid in ---- - also Note calling for four hundred bushels of wheat on ---- ----- + ------ Sixteen bushels of Wheat coming from John Misck? Sixteen bushels of Wheat that turner to that William J. Martin --- + one half bushels coming from William J. Martin Edward Warren Twelve bushels of Wheat Dr. James Ramage Sixteen bushels of Wheat Dr. Andrew Hemlin? Eight bushels of Wheat Dr. N. H. Jitten? Four bushels of Wheat Dr. Moses Eads Sixteen bushels of Wheat Dr. Henry Eads Eight bushels of WheatDr. Andrew which I gave Mr. Graves for collection on Mr. Thorp for eight bushels of wheat, brought over. Also four yoke of oxen six chains one wagon I can Welsh cows and all the young cattle I have more or less also two American Mare a grey and a bay, also my Hogs, all my house hold and kitchen formation all my tools gun shot ranch and a saddle.
In Witness whereof I have set my hand and seal this 5th day of April AD 1849.
Zadock Martin

Wm. Dawson
Henry Warren
James B. Graves

Will of Alexander Brodie, 1858, Montgomery Co., TN:
Montgomery Co., TN, Will Book Q, Pg. 783:

Alex Brodie

Know all men by these presents that I Alexander
Brodie of the County of Montgomery and State of
Tennessee being of sound mind & disposing memory
do make and publish this my last will & testament
hereby revoking all others that I may have heretofore
made –
I give and bequeath to my beloved wife Mary
Brodie all my real and personal property during
the term of her natural life or her widowhood and
after her death or marriage to be given equally to
all my children share and share alike with
the exceptions and reservations herein after mentioned
should it be necessary for the payment of my debts
for my Executor to sell any portion of my property
my wish is that a portion of my land should be sold
in ----? to my negroes My wish is that at the
death or marriage of my wife, the tract of land on
which I now live Containing about four hundred and
fifty acres (450) should be divided in such a
way as to give my son John Louis Brodie and my
daughter Eliza M Brodie Three hundred acres (300) of
said land including the dwelling house and a
part of the farm (the ---? to be ---? North and
South) to them and their heirs forever. And the re
maining One hundred and fifty acres I give and bequeath
to my daughter Sally Ann Watkins and to my Grand
daughter Alice Neblett, to them and their heirs forever.
And should the said Alice die without leaving lawful
issue, then and in that case, my wish is that her
portion of said land should be equally divided
share and share alike among my heirs at law.
I charge my daughter Sally Ann Watkins One hundred
and fifty Dollars to be deducted out of her share of
my Estate under this will. I charge my Daughter
Elizabeth Cruise three hundred Dollars for that portion
of land which she has received And I further charge
the said Elizabeth with a Bed and other articles already
given her. I hereby direct that my said daughter Elizabeth
shall have a home at my house so long as she remains
a widow. I charge my daughter Susan Boyd three
hundred Dollars for land and other property already
received. I hereby give and bequeath to my
youngest daughter Eliza M. Brodie One thousand dollars
more than my other children are entitled to under this
my last will and testament. Should any of those
distributees under this my last will and testament die without
leaving lawful issue before they attain lawful age, my
wish is that that portion left to them under this will
shall be equally distributed among the survivors. All
the rest and residue of my property both real and
personal that I may now possess if not herein before
named after the marriage or death of my wife. I direct
to be divided equally, share and share alike, among all
my Children and Grand Child Alice Neblett.
I nominate and appoint my wife Mary Brodie and
my son John Louis Brodie my Executors under this Will.
In witness whereof I have hereunto signed my name and
affixed my seal this 25th day of November 1858
Alex Brodie

Wm. Overton
H. M. David
W. A. Prindston

Codicil No. 1

Whereas I Alexander Brodie of the County of Montgomery
and State of Tennessee did on the 25h of November 1858
make my last will and testament of that date do
hereby declare this to be a codicil to the same
I charge my Grand Daughter Alice N. Neblett with One
hundred and forty Dollars to be deducted from her
share of my Estate under this will. I devise that my
daughter Elizabeth Cruise shall pay us board for
the time that she and her family have stayed or may
stay at my house since the death of her husband
In Witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and
seal this 31rd day of January 1859
Alexander Brodie

Wm. Overton
W. A. Prindston
A. M. David

Codicil No. 2

Whereas I Alexander Brodie of Montgomery County and
State of Tennessee did on the 25 day of November 1858
make my last will and testimony of that date do hereby
declare this to be a codicil of the same.
I charge that all the property left to my daughter Sally
A. Watkins, to Minerva E. Cruse, Susan C. Boyd, &
Eliza M. Brodie shall be theirs and at their decease to their
children subject to no debts or contracts of their Husbands.
In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal
this 2nd day of March 1861
Alex Brodie

D. Brodie
John Richards
W. H. Mason
John K. Smith

Administration of the estate of Alexander Brodie, 1865, Montgomery Co., TN:

Will Book Q, Page 57, Roll 97, Montgomery Co., TN, Nashville Archives:

Alex Brodie
Ex bonds

We Mary Brodie are bound to the State of Tennessee in the penalty
of Four Thousand Dollars witness our hands and seals this 6th day of
November 1865 The condition of this obligation is such
that whereas the above bound Mary Brodie has been ap
pointed Executrix of the will of Alexander Brodie deceased
Now if the said Mary Brodie shall well and truly as
such executor perform all the duties which are or may be
required by law of this obligation shall be void otherwise
do remain in force and virture?
Acknowledged in open
Court Nov Term 1865
W.E. David Clerk

Mary Brodie
J.L. Brodie
C.R. Powers

Will of William H. Merriman, 1877, Jackson Co., OR:
In the name of God Amen:
I William H. Merriman of Jackson County Oregon of the age of 52 years and being of sound and disposing mind and memory do make, publish and declare this my last Will and Testament in manner following that is to say : I give bequeathe and devise all my property and estate both real and personal and of whatever nature to my beloved wife Artinecia Merriman to be used enjoyed and controlled by her during the term of her natural life : and from and immediately after her decease the same to my son Isaac A. Merriman his heirs and assigns forever.
It is my intention that my children Auletta L. Harvey, Lucinda J. Proyether, George F. Merriman, Laura A. Merriman, Maria E. Merriman, Ann A. Merriman, Mary B. Merriman, Isabel Merriman, Effie Merriman, Margie J. Merriman and Willie H. Merriman shall take nothing by this will and receive no part of my property or estate after my decease.
I hereby appoint my said wife Artinecia Merriman my sole executrix of this last Will and Testament and also guardian of the persons and property of all my said children who are minors during their minority without giving bonds in either case, and do hereby request and direct that no bonds shall be required of her in either of said capacities of executrix or guardian, and I do hereby revoke all former wills by me made and especially one dated August 15th 1877. In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal this 29th day of August 1877.
Wm H. Merriman
Will of Joseph C. Winters, 1879, Delaware Co., NY:

The last will and testament of Joseph C. Winters of the
town of Tompkins in the County of Delaware and
State of New York
	I Joseph C. Winters being of the age of seventy six 
years and upwords and being of sound and disposing 
mind and memory do hereby make publish and
declare this my last will and testament in the man-
ner following viz.
	First I do hereby authorize my executor herein after ap-
pointed or such other person or persons who may lawfully
obtain the right to execute this my will in their discretion
to sell in --- --------- or otherwise according to the -----
of the estate I may hold at the time of my decease
at public auction or at private sale the whole or any
part of my estate real or personal and ------ and
deliver good and sufficient deeds of conveyance in the
law for the same --- purchaser or ------ thereof
his or their assigns forever.
	Second, Out of the proceeds of my estate after deducting 
all costs charges and expenses that my executors may sus-
tain or be --- unto I direct that my said executors does
pay as soon as conveniently ---- be all my past debts
and ---iliters funeral charges and expenses and the
expenses of administering my estate also any debts or ob-
ligations that may be due or owing from me to my
said executor at the time of my decease.
	Third, I direct upon the sale of my real estate by any
executor as above provided he shall invest one third of
the receipt arising therefrom in first --- bonds shall pay the income
arising therefrom to my well beloved wife Martha Winters annually
for and during the time of her ---- life or shall pay to her 
such sum in ---- as shall be ------ upon the -------
of law relative to annuities a reasonable satisfaction of such
---- and of the gross amount of such income, This provision 
is ----- binding and eff----- upon my executors only in
case the said Martha Winters shall and does ---- with any
------ in such conveyance or ------ of my real
estate to the ----- thereof or shall convey my real estate ----
--- of and ---- from her right of dower therein and the
above provisions are to be received by the said Martha Winters in lieu of and
instead of her dower right in my real estate and to be paid to her only upon
her duly making executing and delivering and acknowledging to my executors a release –
--- of law of all her dower interest and rights of dower in my estate.
Fourth, I direct that the rest residue and remainder of my estate after
paying all the costs charges expenses and debts herein before mentioned and
set forth to be divided share and share alike between my well beloved chil-
dren Eliza Ann St. John Residing at Breesport Chemung County N.Y.
Alphonso Winters Residing at Cannonsville Delaware County New York
George Winters Residing at Cannonsville Aforesaid Edgar Winters and
Harriet Wood both residing at Breesport aforesaid. Fifth I direct that in case any of my children
above named should die prior to my decease that the share of such child or childrens is to be paid by my executor
to his or their heirs at law. Sixth I direct that in case my said executor should ----- 
1/3 of the money arising from the sale of my real estate under the provisions of the Third section of 
this my will then that the division of the proceeds ----- in the fourth section shall
be made otherwise provided of the rest residue and remainder of my estate and I further direct that
upon the death of my said wife Martha Winters the --- of --- of money as invested after
deducting all just and reasonable charges of my executor for the care thereof shall be divided
among my children in the manner set forth in the fourth and fifth sections of this will.
Lastly I hereby make constitute and appoint my son Alphonso Winters executor of this my last will + testament
hereby revoking all former wills by me made. In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand
and seal this sixth day of May in the year of our Lord One Thousand eight hundred and seventy nine.
		Joseph Winters 

Abstract of the will of Etha E. Brodie Jones Ogburn, June 15, 1898, Montgomery Co., TN:

Will Book T, Page 119, Montgomery Co., TN

It is my will that John H. Ogburn, my son, shall have everything that is now on this place that belongs to me at my death. The rest of my property to be equally divided between all my children Namely, Joseph H. Jones, Lucy T. Daniel, Etha H. Martin, John H. Ogburn and the children of Susan M. Daniel. Thomas A. Jones is willing that what he owes me is to be his part of the estate so he will not get any of said estate.

Witness my hand and seal
Etha E. Ogburn

Witness: Madora M. Fletcher

P.S. I have requested my brother T.J. (???) Brodie to keep enough rent money to pay for my burial expenses.
Etha E. Ogburn

Witness: T.A. Jones Sept. 20th 1899

Probated in Minute Book #42, Page 370 and Recorded December 6th 1912. S. W. Kelly Clerk by R. B. Batson, DC

Will of Alphonso Winters, 1908, Delaware Co., NY:

	I Alphonzo Winters of the Town of Tompkins in the County
of Delaware and State of New York, being of sound mind and memory, do make, 
publish and declare this my last Will and Testament, in manner following, that is to
	First. – I direct that all my just debts and funeral expenses be paid.
	Second. – I will and direct my executor to procure and erect a suitable monument
to the memory of my wife, and myself, for a sum not to exceed One Hundred Dollars ($100)
I will, bequeath, and direct the sum of One Hundred Dollars be paid to each of my grand-
children, Viz. Harly Winters, Frances Winters, Fredric Winters, Odin Wadleigh and
Gerald Wadleigh.
To my son, George C. Winters, I will and bequeath the sum of Two Hundred Dollars.
All of the rest and residue of my estate I will bequeath and to my two sons 
and daughter Viz. George C. Winters, Gordon O. Winters, and Lottie F. Wadleigh, 
The same to be equally divided between said sons and daughter and ----- share
and share alike in such residue and remainder of said estate.
I will direct and empower my executor the right to sell and dispose of all my estate
both personal and real at public and private sale as he may deem to the best advantage, to pay and execute this
my last will and testament.
Lastly, I hereby appoint George C. Winters, now of Corw W. Va. without bonds, executor
of this my last Will and Testament, hereby revoking all former wills by me made.
In Witness whereof, I have hereunto subscribed my name this 24th day of September, in
the year One Thousand nine hundred and eight.
			Alphonzo Winters

Will of Mary E. (Murray) Merriman, 1917, Jackson Co., OR:

KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, That I, Mary E. Merriman, widow of George F. Merriman, deceased, of Medford, Oregon, being at this time of sound and disposing mind and memory, and not laboring under fear, duress, restraint, or undue influence of any person, do hereby Make, Publish and Declare this, MY LAST WILL AND TESTAMENT, hereby revoking and declaring void any and all former wills by me at any time heretofore made: I WILL AND DIRECT AS FOLLOWS:
That my heirs at law are my seven children, named as follows: Thomas T. Merriman, my son; May L. Telfer, my daughter; George Merriman, my son; Mollie L. Merriman, my daughter; Blanche Miles, my daughter; Vera V. Merriman, my daughter, and Sharon C. Merriman, my son, all of legal age, save my said son Sharon C. Merriman, who is a minor of the age of fourteen years:
It is my wish that any debts by me owing at the time of my death be paid as soon thereafter as may be convenient, and that my body be buried in a manner fitting my station in life, without unnecessary display or expense.
I give and bequeath unto my daughter Vera V. Merriman, my piano and my musical cabinet, and unto my daughter Blanche Miles my watch, and unto my daughter Mollie L. Merriman the picture of myself in my girlhood, that hangs over the mantel in the front room of my home.
I give and bequeath unto my six oldest children Thomas T. Merriman, May L. Telfer, George Merriman, Mollie L. Merriman, Blanche Miles and Vera V. Merriman, the sum of One Dollar each, together with any sum of money that may be received from my interest in Mining Claims in the Elk Creek District in Jackson County, Oregon, which sum of money, if any, shall be divided equally between said six children of mine, share and share alike.
All the rest, residue and remainder of my estate I give, will, devise and bequeath unto my said son Sharon C. Merriman, for his sole use and benefit, be the same lands, houses, money, notes, accounts, choses in action, personal effects of any kind or nature, household goods and of whatever the same may consist and whithersoever the same may be situate or found, with the request and injunction to my said son that so long as she shall have use for the same, my daughter Vera V. Merriman shall be allowed the use of my present home as a home for herself, but otherwise, my said son is to have all such property as described in this paragraph free from all other limitations.
I hereby nominate and appoint my friend I. L. Hamilton, of Medford, Oregon, to be sole executor of this will, and to be guardian of my said son, Sharon C. Merriman, in case he shall be a minor at the time of my death, and direct that my said executor shall use the property hereby willed to my said son Sharon C. Merriman for his education and comfort, to the end that he may receive such proper education as such means will permit, his proper education being a subject of great interest to me, and which I wish to be completed in so far as possible.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I, Mary E. Merriman, the testatrix named, have, to this, MY LAST WILL AND TESTAMENT, type written on two pages of "Cascade Bond" paper, hereunto subscribed my name and affixed my seal this the 14th day of February A. D. 1917.
Mary E. Merriman