
If you decide to take any photos or information from this website, please include my name (Ryan Wadleigh) and url address as a citation. Thank you.

© Copyright 2025 Ryan Wadleigh

This website is dedicated to the memory of:
Mary Jo Brown

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Take a moment and read through my new genealogy blog devoted to my ancestors.

My name is Ryan Wadleigh and I live in Seattle, Washington. This website is the product of over 20 years of my research, as well as the countless amount of research that has been done by those in the past and those who have collaborated with me and helped me in my pursuits. I could not have been so successful in my research had it not been for the invaluable assistance of so many people.

It is my goal that this website will be useful to many people. I think that relatives and family members with little or no interest in genealogy will enjoy some of the photos and short family histories. My documentation and sources should also be useful to fellow genealogists. I must stress that the information on this site is not guaranteed to be accurate or free of errors and my research itself or my reasoning might be flawed. Please use caution when taking information from this site. This is a work in progress, and I am continually adding information. If you have any ideas or information to add, please do not hesitate to e-mail me (

My interest in genealogy is primarily motivated by an interest in history and in storytelling. I think our ancestors had fascinating lives that are taken for granted by current generations. With my research, I hope to bring some life to these fascinating people. As a result, my focus on genealogy is less about names and dates and more about stories. If you can help, please do!

By and large, my ancestors were mostly Northwestern European (and Protestant). Based on my own research, I know that I am mostly English, German, and Scottish. The rest of my known ancestry is comprised of Danish, Dutch, Welsh, French, Swedish, Irish, and Swiss individuals. My family history also has unproven legends of possible Native American and Moroccan ancestors.

I recently had my DNA tested (autosomal DNA testing) through four different companies (AncestryDNA, 23andMe, MyHeritage and FamilyTreeDNA), to see if DNA could be used to provide any clues to enhance or prove/disprove my research. The process was educational for me, as I learned that using DNA to predict ethnic origins is a very inexact science. Because of that, the four different tests provided quite different results. Overall though, all four agree with my research that I am mostly northwestern European in general, and specifically mostly British. Beyond that though, there are various discrepancies. The test that appears to provide the most accurate results is 23andMe. It indicated that I am about 95% northwest European, and specifically called out the countries of United Kingdom, Ireland, Germany, Netherlands and Denmark - which is precisely where most of my documented ancestors were from. The remaining 5% of my ancestry though had some surprises, including trace amounts of DNA from: Eastern Europe (on my mother's side), Finland (on my mother's side), Spain/Portugal (on my paternal grandmother's side), Sub-Saharan Africa (on my paternal grandmother's side), and North Africa/Arabia (on my mother's side). Because both of my parents and one of my grandparents took the test, it helped to narrow down the results to specific branches of my tree. Results from other tests also show trace results in Caucasus, Italy, Greece, South America and Oceania.

I talk about these DNA tests in more detail in my blog post, DNA Research, in which I specifically discuss how the DNA research had been used to potentially fill in a hole in my family tree, of possible Cherokee ancestors.

Ancestral lines:

Allen Custer Kling Sthreshley
Barklow Damm Lilienthal Stilley
Beck Dearborn Martin Streu
Bennett Dunham Merriman Taylor (NY)
Bixby Dunsmore Möller Taylor (NH)
Bousman Foust Murray Taylor (VA)
Bowen Freese Owen Thurston
Brodie French Palfrey Tilton
Brooks Grant Parrish Uepkendanz
Brower Halliburton Plymale Wadleigh
Brown Hatfield Radford Warwick
Butler Hill Riddle Wheless
Cannon Hoffman Ross Whitlock
Cowan Hunt Seilhammer Willits
Crobarger Huyck Stearns Winters
Current Jones Stephens Woodson



Royal and Indian ancestry

A collection of recipes that belonged to Bertha Hoffman Bixby, my great-grandmother

Diary of Odin Wadleigh for the year 1906

Cemeteries our ancestors are buried in, and some photos of their tombstones

dead ends of my ancestral tree - please help!

To search the pages on this website, please type your search terms below:



Thank you to Genealogy Graphics by Chris and Glee Graphics for graphics on this website.

Thank you to the following volunteers and relatives that have contributed to my research:

Bob Allen, Mary Alvarado, Bonnie Anderson, Wendy Angove, Bob Arens, Joan Aslin, David Bartlow, Patti Bates, Joanne Benne, Sande Berger, Kevin Biersdorff, Betty Boroski, Beckie Brewster, Walter Briggs, Kelly Brown, Maggie Brown, Mary Jo Brown, Martha Brownson, Cyndi Buie, Andrea Burke, Mary Cable, Gloria Carpenter, Rob Casebeer, Pat Chadwick, Janet Chappell, Nancy Christie, Bert & Margaret Chumbler, Alleen-Marie Coke, Elizabeth Corethers, Barbara Cowan, Charles Cox, Dave Cox, Marilyn Current, Roger Davis, Dave De Hart, Mike Densmore, Lynne Diltz, Larry Dunham, Sharon Ellis, Seely Foley, Audrey Franklin, Susan Fraser, Susan Wadleigh Gard, Jim Garrity, Evalou Gomez, Delbert Greer, Craig Hahn, Marianne Hale, Russ Hanson, Sandra Harris, Frank Hathaway, Fran Hays, Carole Hoffman, Paul Hosse, Violet Hysell, Faye Jensen, Michael Jeunehomme, Michael Jones, Robbie Kellar, Laurie Kenville, Kim Kester, Fred Kindel, Chris Kling, Peter Klinge, Cliff Lamere, Keith Larson, Rose Lawson, Norma Ledford, Virginia, Lindsey, Jim Long, Ruth Lugowski, Steve Martin, Susan Masse, Rose McIntosh, Donna McQuade, Chris Meinicke, Laura Melton, Frank Merriman, Lynne Miller, Elizabeth Montgomery, Toni Moody, Merritt Mullen, Phillip Naff, Larry Nichols, Rene Nillson, Tim & Elizabeth Norpell, Donna Odland, Mike Palmer, Ron Pancner, Patricia Peterson, Bob Phillips, Kenton Poole, Donna Porter, June Potter, Bille Reynolds, Mona Rhone, Elaine Rigby, Jeany Roark, Jim Robinson, Tom Robison, Roanne Ryall, Dawn Saari, April Salinas, George Sanborn, Debbie Schmidt, Julie Schopps, Patricia Seaver, Marion Sinnott, Carolyn Smithfield, Leonie Smith, Mary Solomon, Steve Spicer, Kathy Stice, Eileen Talburt, James Taylor, Rosetta Thorpe, Carolyn Vance, Eric Wadleigh, Michele Wagner, Marilyn Walker, Dorothy Wear, Frances Webb, Kathy Wright, Martha Wright, Terrie Wright, and Ellnora Young.

Thank you to Susan Wadleigh Gard for financial contributions to this website!
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